Sunday, September 30, 2012


I am on this blog again after two months. Today's topic deals with such a delicate emotion which will leave y'all feeling deep. We all love our parents.We shower them with love and we care for them. Some of us even take the step to take care of them when they get old. God Bless those kids. However, sometimes we tend to forget about all that our parents have done for us. Sometimes we just take them for granted.
We forget all that our mother has done for us from child birth to marriage to taking care of grand kids and not to mention all the love and prayers in between the tasks. So much hardship they go through. Mommas sometimes save us from trouble when you know that dad is about to give a mouthful. They understand us so well and know exactly what advice to give to better our situation. Their love is so unconditional we tend to take advantage of it. No matter what we do they will forever trust us and shower their love upon us.

Our dad they work hard outside and do that till their last break or until they retire. Sometimes the daddy's don't express all that they feel and during those time they just want peace around them. My dad is the world's greatest dad and he will forever be one. There's so much he does for us but little do we understand because he fails to express all the negativeness. He may get in trouble but will make sure no harm go near us. This is how fathers are ... they complain less , yell less but so much is going in their head and we just need to get the time to understand it all.

This is how parents are. They give us the right solution to every problem. They work as the torchlight to our dark path. They give us hopefulness in times of despair and we can always count on them. Both mother and father have their own ways of struggle with which they fight for just so we get a better living out of it. They sacrifice so much and yet little do we repay them with.
Sometimes we get so busy with our lives that we tend to forget all that our parents have done for us. We appreciate less and take advantage more. There's nothing that we can do to repay them for all that they have done for us but little we can do is realize the struggle they been through.

Every parents have a story and everyone sacrifice little something for their children. We the children in return hurt them a lot, give them a lot of trouble which sometimes become unbearable. They still cope with us. They will still pray for us. But do we pray for them everyday ? Do we act as their well-wishers from heart? Are we really caring about them? Think about it people before its too late. Do not loose the morality and humanity in you. This generation has become such that we are getting more worried about the worldly business than family. Family should come first and we do not have any right to give our parents any misery. It is a shame how some of us can become so heartless and are not giving our parents the right place they deserve.

Its high time we think about this deeply and ponder over it. Do we really care about them like we say we do? Sometimes its not about money. Parents wont see how much their kids are earning and what they are giving them. Sometimes they just want your attention and support just to feel loved for all that they have done. Our parents are precious and the most gifted being in our lives and we should all thank Allah for giving us such good parents who gave us excellent upbringing.

So, go ahead return the favor as much as you can. Sit there and take a moment and think of all that your parents have done for you and realize enough to not do anything to hurt them. Its not just the mother but also our father works very hard for us though he may not be that affectionate like our mothers are. Parents are parents and do not be selfish to look for your happiness first over them because they have sacrificed since you were born in one way or the other. All we have to do is just appreciate and not take advantage. InshaAllah we all take the time to realize the worth and place of our parents in our heart.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Your Dua has been answered.

Today's blog topic will cover something serious and deep. How often have you prayed to Allah and thought your prayers wasn't answered? Many times i have thought that too. However, if you think from deep down, you will realize that your dua has been already answered may be not in the exact manner you wanted but in a better way. In our narrow-mindedness we don't understand the giving. sometimes we r blind to see that our dua has been answered. Allah might have given us something better but we r too busy wanting that particular thing we asked for. We dont think beyond our need and thus, we fail to understand all that Allah has given us. Allah surely answers our prayers may be not the way we wanted but definitely in a better way and for that we need to have faith in Allah. Allah will either give us what we asked for or something better. For example: you wanted to marry a particular bro\sis and Allah has given you someone better. This is Allahs dealing with you which is beyond your imagination. This Allah's way of erasing that calamity that could have befallen upon you due to what u have asked for. We think something is so good and something is so necessary that we pray to Allah so sincerely and Allah answers it in a different way. Allah may not give us exactly what we asked for but with something better only because our prayer was sincere.

I want those of you who are reading to go back to the past years and think of all that you have experienced in life and all that you have prayed for. Is there anything you regret? Aren't you happy at where you are at this point of your life? Its all due to Allah's blessings. You may ask for something and Allah may have given you something out of your expectation and that is what led u to where u r at today. In the long run wasn't what happened to you the best thing that could have happened.. isn't that why u r who u r today? For example: I never thought i would be happy if i move back to Bangladesh. I thought my life, career everything will be a disaster. But i am happy today. I am happy because Bangladesh has changed me in many different ways. I am liking it here and at one point i hated to even think of moving back. And i prayed to Allah to not move back. But Allah has answered this prayer in a different way. This is just a slight example of Allah's mercy. If you think deep, you will know what you have gained from your prayers. And after that you will continuously pray to Allah and grow trust in Allah even more. Little do we know about the divine wisdom.

There is another example of a story i have read online about a brother who was suppose to be on board to reach his destination. If he wasn't to reach his destination on time his whole career would be on stake. Unfortunately, one seal was missing from his passport thus, he couldn't be on the plane. He reached home with distress and misery until he found out that the plane he was suppose to be on has crashed and all the people on plane died. Little do we know about Allah's mercy. Subhanallah! Though the man's career was ruined he couldn't thank Allah enough for where he is at today. This is the power of dua and this is the faith we need to keep in Allah. This is a reminder for me to come back to this over n over when i am mislead-ed. InshaALLAH.

Your dua has been answered and Allah has promised it. Only difference is our narrow mindedness have not understood it yet. However, may be with little patience and with time we would understand the result of our prayer.InshaAllah our sincere prayers will be answered in the best way possible. Remember Allah in times of ease and not only in times of trouble. So what is preventing us from praying to Allah? There is nothing in this world that can happen without Allahs permission. So be a beggar to Allah for whatever you need. Without Allah we are nothing.

Friday, June 01, 2012

Natural Beauty Tips (Home Remedy)

Hi this month's blog post is going to be very different from the other blogs i post. I am going to give many natural beauty tips for hair,face, feet, teeth...etc. These are going to be all natural remedies as i believe in using natural methods for skin or hair more than store bought expensive kinds which doesnt always result in wonders. So, its going to be really easy and some of you might be yudcked out at it. However, I have personally tried these methods on my self so i can assure you from any disappointment. So here it goes..

1) To get rid of dead skin cells or get a brighter , clear and glowy skin: You will need a container which carries a squeezed lime juice and blended tomatoe. Use mixture of tomatoe and lime juice long with one teaspoon of flour to make it in a pasty form. Apply it and leave it on for ten mintues. Rinse off with cold or lukewarm water.

ps: if it gives you a stingy sensation then you may be allergic to the lime juice so you can leave that out.
2) honey and lime juice- one teaspoon of honey and lime juice along with a teaspoon of flour is also great for your skin to glow and come as smooth.

3) Sugar and lime juice- this is another method I use when i run out of my facewash. LOL.. ya trust me it happens quiet often. I use a little pad which i damp with a little bit of lime juice and sprinke some sugar on to the pad then gently scrub it all over my face. After you rinse it off , you will notice how smooth your skin feels. Also you can apply the same method using coconut water or cucumber juice.

4) yogurt and egg mask: Using few tablespoons of yogurt along with one egg and applying it on your skin will help your skin smooth out and glow as well.

5) lentil and banana paste: grinding lentil on a grinder,mashing raw potato(peel off the skin) on a mortar along with mashed banana and using it all over your face helps remove any scars or marks from your face. I recommend this greatly.

-Now, I am not saying all skin types should be using it. See if one of these method works and just stick to it. And if none just applying egg whites on your skin is also a great help. After keeping add whites in your skin and rinsing it off make sure to use egg yolks until its dried. Then rinse it off as well. It will work great. However, i do not like this method because i cannot take the smell of raw egg on my face. But this method is completely risk free.

-If you feel tooth pastes are not coming in handy and you need whiter teeth. Stop buying all these expensive products and try a simpler one that works greatly vanishing any stains from your teeth. I actually love my teeth but i prefer it colgate white :)

1) Teeth Whitenning: Damp your toothbrush and sprinkle some baking soda on it. (Yes baking soda!) and brush your teeth and you will see whitenning results within 14 days InshaAllah.
-If you have dry and cracked feet that needs polishing to help it smooth and remove dark spots, here is a great way that helped me a lot.

1) sugar coat your feet with lime juice, sugar, and olive oil (one tablespoon of each). Gently rub it and then dip your feet in warm water. In the water add some shampoo and salt in it and leave your feet for 10 minutes. you will notice the difference. You can do the same for your hands as well.

-If you have damaged hair full of dandruff, frizz , grease and all that jazz. Try this method below:

1) Get a small bowl and crack an egg , 2 tablespoons of lime juice or vinegar ,yogurt, coconut oil (one tbspn), and henna. Yes, the organic henna i am talking about. Make a paste out of all of that and apply on your hair and leave it for an hour or more. Rinse it with lukewarm water. So far my hair is shiny, silky and my hairgrowth is improving as well. MashaAllah. If you do not have henna then excluding henna, use the rest of the ingredients. But henna does wonder so try to get it.

2) baking soda and shampoo: Use half a teaspoon of baking shoda when applying shampoo to your hair. This helps remove any dust or hair products off your hair. Especially, hair gel or hair spray.

So far i have used these methods and these works perfectly.If you have any questions please ask me as i haven't wrote anything that detailfully here. I hope this will be a great help for anybody who doesn't prefer store bought products over natural remedy. I have personally found this recipes from my mom and some from her old home remedy books. InshaAllah you will try this at home and get wonderful results. Dont be scared or embarassed to use it! :)

PS: Stay tuned for more home remedy for sickness and other stuff. iA.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Everything happens with Allah’s will and permission

And there is not a thing, but with Us are the stores thereof. And We send it not down except in a known measure. (Quran 15:21)

Hello and i am back. I been waiting on a topic for my blog i can write about anything and everything but topic related to Islam never ceaase to amaze me. So leaving aside all my books and tv shows i decided to write yet another blog in relating to Islam. I been busy with school and bunch of books i been reading that i started feeling guilty for not giving enough time for Islamic knowledge. So here i am going to write about how Everything happens with Allah's will so not blame anything or anyone for it.

In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.

Surely We have a free will from which we make our destiny and pathways in life. But without Allah's permission not even a leaf of a tree can fall on the ground. So, we must realize that Allah has His control over this world and no matter what we say or do we cannot change that. Allah knows whats best for us. Sometimes there may be situation we cannot bear to survive or wish there were options to choose from when meeting with a decision making. However, we cannot take even a step farther without Allah's will. Any individual, the rising of that individual and the falling of that individual. All this is Allah’s doing and is in His control.The Devil in contrast invites to the thinking that amass wealth, everything will happen. Everything happens through money. Quran says that everything is happening through Allah.

Moreover, no matter what we say or do, deep down we know we got to be strong because this is all Allah's doing. So through any situation you may face or you have taken yourself in to , the outcome is always in Allah's hand. No matter what we want in life and how we go on to achieve it at the end of day you have to put the trust on Allah that He is the controller. The things you want may not be the best thing for you and Allah knows best. The things you ask for may not come to you so easily because Allah did not permit for it to come just yet. Sometimes we are put in test and trials as well. Throughout all situations we just got to learn to have the faith that Allah is the controller and He will either help us to gain something or destroy something of our lives.
Not even does a grain of sand move on this earth, nor a drop of water falls from the heavens, nor does a leaf move or fall from the trees, nor can one even blink their own eyelids….without the precise Will and Permission of their Lord Creator, Most Exalted, Most Supreme!Thus the natural question which would arise is if everything happens, and indeed it does happen only with the Precise Will and Permission of Allah SubhanWatala then why does the Lord Most Merciful allow or permit evil to take place on this earth?

Allah says in the Holy Quran in Chapter 67 Surah Al Mulk verse 2:
He (Allah) created death and life that He may test you, to see which of you is the best in deeds.
Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 21 Surah Anbiyaa verse 35:
Every soul shall have a taste of death: and We test you by evil and by good (only) by way of trial: to Us must ye return.

Now to make it short ....

Whoever chooses to submit his will to the Will of his Creator, and chooses to live his life in accordance with the guidance of his Creator, passes the test of life and is promised the Eternal Mercy, Grace, and Rewards of Allah Subhanah.And whoever amongst man uses his bestowed intelligence and power of reasoning to do everything else but does not recognize or denies his Supreme Creator, refuses to submit his will to the Will of His Creator, and of his own ‘free will’ chooses to live his life in accordance with any guidance other than that of His Supreme Creator, miserably fails the test of life and will have a severe accounting in the Presence of His All-Mighty and Majestic Lord on an Judgment Day.

Thus, Whenever we see something evil we should keep ourselves away from it. Whenever there is a choice from choosing good over bad, choose good. We should pray that Allah helps us achieve our dreams staying in the correct path. those who wish to do good to continue their good, and those who wish to do evil to continue their evil. Thus both good and evil can and only happen with the Permission and Will of the Lord, but He is Pleased with the doers of good, and He is Displeased with the doers of evil. So if you are on the good path inshaAllah good will happen with you.
Just remember praying to Allah wholeheartedly is a cure to anything and everything. When you are met with a dilemma just know that at the end of the day you have chosen your path and with Allah's permission you will meet the outcome. Khuda Hafiz.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

When your faith is shaken, turn your eyes to Allah.

"When Allah tests you, it is never intended to destroy you. When He removes something in your possession, it is only in order to empty your hands for an even greater gift."
- Ibn Al-

Reading these lines over and over has brought me to discuss today's blog. Its very simple and gets right to the point. First of all i want to ask, Do you relly have faith in Allah? The complete trust when helpless ? The faith which will take you to your destination without worries? I know the answer in your head is affirmative. However, think it over.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
No ! its not it! We do not have complete faith in Allah. We do not believe in his power when it comes down to the real deal in life,we do not put our trust in Allah completely. We worry so much and stress out over our dreadful situation without leaving it to Allah to take care of. I myself find my belief system shaky when it comes down to a real stressfull situation. I do realize everything is on Allah's hand. We cannot control Allah's decisions but we can control our own actions. Its our action that brings us to our situation so why worry so much? Why tense and be stressed out when you can simply just have faith that Allah will not destroy you, Allah is there to help you.

However, sometimes these thoughts are not enough because we are so grounded by our problems. I believe if you really belive in Allah then this faith will come in your heart automatically. No need to think of anything but you will know right in your head that although there are danger ahead , Allah is there. We need to realize that life is short and time is running by. We have limited time in our hand to utilize it in good things. Its our prime time to show Allah that we do believe in Him. We do believe in His Messenger (SAW). We do keep faith and trust. And most of all we do need to be stronger to fight any situations and learn to leave everything to Allah.

We need to realize that although our posessions may have slipped out of our hand there may be a better grab which will fulfill our wishes. We just need to have faith that no matter how harsh the truth is , we can accept it. We can accept and move on to a greater deal in life. So, even if you have lost something in life and have been miserable, always remember that life goes on. Sooner or later you will accept what comes your way. So why not trust in Allah and accept whatever comes your way? Its easier said than done! But thats life, to complete this life one must give up to get.

So , think carefully do you really have full faith in Allah? If you dont then work on it. Allah loves his servants when they try hard to be on the right track. If any situation sadden you, dont get disheartened and have the faith that something better is coming. I myself need to make myself stronger and work on trusting Allah completely and be patient. Patience is the key to happiness and when there is faith all will fall right in there automatically. So be careful if your belief is shaken. Allah is there to make things right even if somethings have gone out of hand.Instead of getting upset of what you have lost, just wait for the better deal thats coming your way.When there is faith , everything else will give your sight a positive view and nothing will be upsetting. :) And Allah knows best. Khuda Hafiz.

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Birth Month blog dedicated to my MOMMY!!!!!

Yay!!! Its my birth month. I want to dedicate this blog to my mommy and i will make her read this pretty soon. Every mother is the world's best guaranteed gift to their child. Alhamdulillah i have an awesome family and the world's most beautiful and wonderful mother. I love my mom very much yet i annoy her and do lots of things that is against her. And someday i wish i could make up for all the wrongs i have done to her and say sorry for all the times i have hurt her intentionally\unintentionally. Even if i get the lives of millions and say sorry to my mom it still wont be enough for all that she has done for me. woohoo so here it goes. Its going to be long and emotional so hold your breath.

A note to my mom:

The nine months hardship: I am sorry mom that i put you through so much unbearable pain. I am sorry for every time you had to throw up for me and every time you felt dizzy and couldn't eat. Sorry for the times i kicked you when i was in your tummy. Sorry for all the pain you had to go through.

Result: I am sorry for all the times i have woke up during midnight crying for milk or potty. I am sorry for the sleepless nights and i bet you had to suffer a lot because of me.

I am sure i have annoyed you in parties and i am sorry every-time i have ruined your make up or even clothes. Sometimes you would not eat on time to make sure to feed me on time. Thanks for all that and even countless thanks wont be enough to appreciate you. It will take me a whole lifetime to thank you for all that hardship you were put through because of me. I would never understand how you have felt i know you were happy yet i have annoyed you a lot.

I just want to thank you for giving birth to me.I want to thank you for giving a life to me which included so many other wonderful things. Thanks for all the clothes , shoes , hair accessories you got me and still get me. Thanks for spending time with me. I wish i was capable of giving you half of the happiness you have showered me with. I want to thank you for bringing me up and for teaching me all that you have taught me throughout my life. You have been a great inspiration and motivation to do right things always. You have always came to save me in troublesome situations. You were always there to give the perfect advice to my situations. You were the best math teacher during my childhood.

I know even til today when you are sick you pretend to be all fine and dandy so you could be a help to us. So you could give us food on time and take care of the house. I am sorry if i cant match up to your expectations and cant take care of you well enough when you are sick. When i used to fall sick you were the best support i had.You made sure to bring me food, give me head massage and just the worry in your face would give me peace while sick. You are the best mom any daughter could ask for.

You remember the days i would randomly tell you to sleep with me at night because i am scared of ghosts? Every time i did that i was actually sad about things i couldn't share but just the fact you were next to me helped all the sadness disappear. You have that magic,mom. I have that miraculous bonding with you that when you are around everything else feels positive. I feel safe and secure. Your love is so guaranteed , i dont have to worry about you leaving me or for you to prove your love for me. I know its there and it will never be gone. I just wish i could give you the same love you give me. Its a shame that i can never match up to that level even if i try all my life.

I could go on and on about you because you are just that amazing. I know by now you already got teary and few drops have fallen down your cheeks as well. How sweet! I am sure i am in the other room now because i dont want to be in the emotional scene. But i will be there to hug you in a bit ;)

I love you mom you are the world's most beautiful mother and thanks for bringing me to this world. I thank Allah for having you, Alhamdulillah. May Allah always keep you happy, safe and healthy.

PS: i am still jealous that your hair is more beautiful than mine. grrrr!! hehe..

So here it is for those who are reading. Go ahead and give your mom a tight hug and appreciate all that little to big things she has done for you all her life. Think before you annoy her because she has gone through so much because of you. She deserves to be treated like a queen. She is an angel in human form in your life. Keep her close to heart and dont take her love for granted. Your mom deserves all the love in the world and all the appreciation in the world just for being a mother. :)

Monday, February 27, 2012


Many of us forget how important it is to have self respect. Now, you may be thinking everyone carries self respect duhh!! No! You are wrong! Somewhere down the road we are so insecure about ourselves that we do things which may risk our self esteem. I want to tell those who are reading about the importance of having self respect for yourself and that is one of the most important key to happiness. I have let myself down quiet few times and its all my fault that i haven't kept myself safe in different situations. To have respect for yourself, to care about your own self, to love yourself fully is very much needed in today's world. If you can learn to love yourself and really want to be selfish then trust me there won't be any problem in your life.

We love ourselves the most and we act selfish many times. But have you ever realized that we don't love ourselves the way we should? No, we haven't thought about that. One should always keep themselves in the highest level that way no one can dare to touch anybody's self esteem or ruin his ego. Many times we give up and do things which are against our own wishes. I want you to stop and think... why? Why do things that is against your will ? Why do things that you know may hurt you or be a damage to you in the future? Why not prevent yourself from trouble? And why not be wise?

Yes, the answer to the questions are already well known to us. We are either led astray by satan or we do things to make others happy even if that means you are unhappy. I say always do what your heart and mind feels is right. Think properly! Learn to think of the good and bad of everything and learn to save yourself from trouble. If you really love yourself you wont get yourself in a mess, you wont listen to satan and lastly everybody else around you will love you. First love to have respect and love for yourself then think of others. Don't put yourself in confusion and mess. You know who you are , what you want, how you will do it . Then why give yourself so much complications?

I am sure some of you are puzzled with my words. But hey think! I am sure you are one of those who have invited trouble in your life by going against your own will. I am sure you are the one who have made yourself lose your self respect at some point in your life. I am sure you are the one who dont love yourself properly like you should.

So i wil like to end this blog with few tips. Make sure you care about yourself. Go ahead and cut communication with those you do not like or those who put you down. Go ahead and stop listenin to satan and make your life here a hell and building a house in hell for the hereafter as well. Go ahead and take a step forward to a new YOU the you who know how to have respect and know how to respect others as well. The moment you stop and think that the things i am doing may harm my self-esteem , stop it then and there! Learn to not care sometimes. Learn to not give a crap about what the world thinks about you. Think of yourself first and do the things that will keep you in the safe field. I hope i made sense and those who can relate to this topic will soon realize the importance of loving yourself properly and save their self respect. Because once its gone you just going to keep ruining it for the rest of your life. Save yourself now don't let anyone put you down and dont let yourself in such troublesome situation that will only invite trouble for yourself. Its you who can bring the change if you really love yourself and know to be selfish. Khuda Hafiz!

ps: I know i was repetitive but its only because the point gets to your head permanently. :)

Friday, February 03, 2012

Tips when u feel down\depressed

I was wondering what people do when they are sad? Like realllllllllllll sad when u feel the world is not yours and nobody around you loves you. What i do in those type of situation is actually lots of stuff few are negative and few works great on me. I wanna share those tips so that any of you may want to use it as well. Because i hate when somebody feels sad or depressed during calamities. If I cant help people in any other way then i make sure i talk to them to calm them down. And in my own calamities thankfully i have always found the closest person to go to and vent.

The first option i use is stop all the thinking and stop thinking of negatives or positives and get to reading The Quran with translation. It is so distracting and interesting that i forget what i was sad about. I read till i feel better. And when i do namaaz i feel so much better. I think of All the positiveness that may happen in the future and think of all that Allah has provided me with. I think of Allah being there for me and then i feel nothing else matters. I think of the calamity and feel that no matter how big it is , it's nothing compare to all the happy things Allah has given me all my life. I think of the worst that could have happened and the worst that other people go through in their lives and comparing to that i feel hopeful and better. I basically console myself. Everyone have their own ways to console themselves so i do it my way depending on the situation.

Second option is venting to your best friend\ the person closes to you. Venting helps! Just nag and wine and complain your heart out till u feel better. But choose wisely who you believe to be your best friend. Always keep yourself in the safe shoes so you are not risking anything and nothing backfires on you. So choose your friend wisely and think before you talk.

Third option is sleeping. Take naps and this is what i meant when i said some of the tips are negative. Because sleeping to forget your problem is something depressed people tend to do a lot. So don't consider yourself as depressed in sad situations because depression is a severe disease. But if you feel you can handle yourself then just take a nap. When i go to sleep i feel when i wake up everything will be okay. Its just a childish habit. And this is what works best for me. Every-time you are sad or feeling down at night tell your mom to sleep with you and hold her and go to sleep. Trust me there is not other peace like that. Your mom is the best support.

Fourth option is watching TV whatever you like most and watch it all day. Usually this is the option that i least use because usually when i am really sad i dont feel like eating, reading, or watching anything. So reading books and watching lots of TV might be a good idea.

Fifth, Find a solution to your problem and if there is no solution than let time take you. Time heals every pain and time will tell. Sometime the biggest problem is what we will look back to and think of and just smile. Everything happens for a reason.

Lastly, think of the reason you are in the situation\sadness\calamities that fell upon you. Somewhere down the road we make some choices in life which leads to our calamities unless fate plays a different role in this situation. It is because of our own choices and decisions in life which brings us to our current situations. So , always be wise in life and think twice before you say something or make a life decision. When nothing works and my tips seem vain to you, simply blame yourself. Trust me do not be a hypocrite.We all face situations according to our own deeds and actions. So, before blaming others blame yourself for the situations and deal with your problems and you will find the answer and solution . Sometimes life hits us hard because of our own mistakes and wrong choices. inshAaLLAH this post was a help to everyone who read. Khuda hafiz !

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Nothing changed

Sooooooo it has been a year since i am writing on my blog. I started on January 2011 and nothin much changed in my life within a year and noone really changed around me either.However, i have changed a tiny bit.I have become a hijabi , trying to learn more about Islam , trying to correct myself in many ways and inshaAllah Allah will guide me to do the right always.Other then all that, I am still going to school inshaAllah will be done within a year. After that if Allah wills i will be preparing myself for the teaching test so i can teach high school kids. I dont usually make plans but this is what i have thought for myself as of now. Oh also about marriage , its all unpredictable. Whenever Allah wills but may be i shall be ready within a year inshaAllah. The sooner it is done and over with the better. lol! Well, today's blog wont be any different then my previous blog posts. Only difference is i am going to vent more then give solutions unlike my other posts which is always full of advice, hope , and possibilities.

So, many of you may be wondering what am i doing in Bangladesh afterall? If i have found someone or who do i hang out.. bla bla. Well, i pretty much do the same thing as i did in USA only different is that it's in BD. I go to school four times a week, i spend my time watchin tv or homewrk, internet. I go to my cousinz over the weekends and hang with friends. My life isnt so interesting and i dont complain much. Only sometimes when it gets too monotonous , it can be really annoying.

Anywho, i have seen myself change in many ways over the past years but my thoughts remain the same. I lack patience and sometimes unknowingly lack faith in Allah too. I know this isnt a sign of a true believer but shaitaan has his ways of leading my desires astray. May be this year i will bring the change in my innerself and try to be the person i always wanted to be. Someone strong with lots of patience and a sensible heart that knows how to act wise. In show tremendous amount of patience when someone ticks me off or in terms of dealing with people but very little patience in other deals of life. For example, this girl in my school has been really pissing me off lately. She always has to make comments about me not being able to cover my aura being a hijabi while she is walking around dressed up in i wont mention how. But yeah, my dupatta slightly moves from my chest and suddenly you will see her running from miles away to come tell me about covering myself fully. I don't know why she does it what problem she has with me cuz as far as i know i m realy nice to her.

So, yeah dealing with her needs LOTS of patience which i have though somedays i want to kick her in the butt but my religious thoughts stop me from doing that. So, yeah i have two groups of friends one group is from school and other are my childhood friends who i am very comfortable with. They dont tick me off while the other ones do but i try my best to tag along. Anyways, i have seen so much of this world too and i must say you can be anywhere doing anything and mix with any kind of people as long as you know what your priorities are and know how to handle yourself in situations. So, living in BD is not suffocating since i am learning to handle myself in the environment and people around here.
So, to make this blog short,inshaAllah this year , i will stop having confusion, be more wise in terms of life decisions and stay STRONG at all times whether its dealing with people or my life. I will try to follow how i always wanted to be as a person, strong, religious, and sensible then ever. So, though little has changed in my life inshaAllah lots more to change in a good way.My life did take a new turn but i am still the same person but inshaAllah i live to please Allah first then everyone else along with me. Khuda Hafiz