Friday, June 01, 2012

Natural Beauty Tips (Home Remedy)

Hi this month's blog post is going to be very different from the other blogs i post. I am going to give many natural beauty tips for hair,face, feet, teeth...etc. These are going to be all natural remedies as i believe in using natural methods for skin or hair more than store bought expensive kinds which doesnt always result in wonders. So, its going to be really easy and some of you might be yudcked out at it. However, I have personally tried these methods on my self so i can assure you from any disappointment. So here it goes..

1) To get rid of dead skin cells or get a brighter , clear and glowy skin: You will need a container which carries a squeezed lime juice and blended tomatoe. Use mixture of tomatoe and lime juice long with one teaspoon of flour to make it in a pasty form. Apply it and leave it on for ten mintues. Rinse off with cold or lukewarm water.

ps: if it gives you a stingy sensation then you may be allergic to the lime juice so you can leave that out.
2) honey and lime juice- one teaspoon of honey and lime juice along with a teaspoon of flour is also great for your skin to glow and come as smooth.

3) Sugar and lime juice- this is another method I use when i run out of my facewash. LOL.. ya trust me it happens quiet often. I use a little pad which i damp with a little bit of lime juice and sprinke some sugar on to the pad then gently scrub it all over my face. After you rinse it off , you will notice how smooth your skin feels. Also you can apply the same method using coconut water or cucumber juice.

4) yogurt and egg mask: Using few tablespoons of yogurt along with one egg and applying it on your skin will help your skin smooth out and glow as well.

5) lentil and banana paste: grinding lentil on a grinder,mashing raw potato(peel off the skin) on a mortar along with mashed banana and using it all over your face helps remove any scars or marks from your face. I recommend this greatly.

-Now, I am not saying all skin types should be using it. See if one of these method works and just stick to it. And if none just applying egg whites on your skin is also a great help. After keeping add whites in your skin and rinsing it off make sure to use egg yolks until its dried. Then rinse it off as well. It will work great. However, i do not like this method because i cannot take the smell of raw egg on my face. But this method is completely risk free.

-If you feel tooth pastes are not coming in handy and you need whiter teeth. Stop buying all these expensive products and try a simpler one that works greatly vanishing any stains from your teeth. I actually love my teeth but i prefer it colgate white :)

1) Teeth Whitenning: Damp your toothbrush and sprinkle some baking soda on it. (Yes baking soda!) and brush your teeth and you will see whitenning results within 14 days InshaAllah.
-If you have dry and cracked feet that needs polishing to help it smooth and remove dark spots, here is a great way that helped me a lot.

1) sugar coat your feet with lime juice, sugar, and olive oil (one tablespoon of each). Gently rub it and then dip your feet in warm water. In the water add some shampoo and salt in it and leave your feet for 10 minutes. you will notice the difference. You can do the same for your hands as well.

-If you have damaged hair full of dandruff, frizz , grease and all that jazz. Try this method below:

1) Get a small bowl and crack an egg , 2 tablespoons of lime juice or vinegar ,yogurt, coconut oil (one tbspn), and henna. Yes, the organic henna i am talking about. Make a paste out of all of that and apply on your hair and leave it for an hour or more. Rinse it with lukewarm water. So far my hair is shiny, silky and my hairgrowth is improving as well. MashaAllah. If you do not have henna then excluding henna, use the rest of the ingredients. But henna does wonder so try to get it.

2) baking soda and shampoo: Use half a teaspoon of baking shoda when applying shampoo to your hair. This helps remove any dust or hair products off your hair. Especially, hair gel or hair spray.

So far i have used these methods and these works perfectly.If you have any questions please ask me as i haven't wrote anything that detailfully here. I hope this will be a great help for anybody who doesn't prefer store bought products over natural remedy. I have personally found this recipes from my mom and some from her old home remedy books. InshaAllah you will try this at home and get wonderful results. Dont be scared or embarassed to use it! :)

PS: Stay tuned for more home remedy for sickness and other stuff. iA.