I know by seeing the title those of you who are reading are thinking...hmm ... is she in love? She has found someone? Oh damn may be she did since she moved back home and you are expected to be married off if you move back. Haha! None of these are the case. I was just thinking does the perfect guy exist (the kinda perfect in an individual's view). To me my perfect guy holds many different qualities which are not very difficult if a person happen to have a kind and nice heart.
Let me remove the confusion. The one who will be mine should be extremely nice to me and my family. He doesn't necessarily have to take me out on a shopping spree every month or has to be super rich. He got to give me immense love and someone who is caring. He cares when i am sick and would sit around with me and watch TV. Someone who gives me the highest importance in his life after his parents.He has to pamper me but control me a little too. I have to depend on him in many cases and situations and he would know exactly what to do to handle me. He should know how to handle me in my worst. Someone who doesn't leave me alone when i am angry or upset but gives me advices and makes me feel better. He would take me out once in a while to get me out of boredom( doesn't have to be an exotic vacation). Someone who value me and appreciates what i do for him. He should be understanding and know how to make me laugh. Someone who would cook for me once in a while. He would bring me flowers and candies and surprise me. I guess that is all i need and its that simple. If you can provide me with love and care i don't need much.
Now, comes to the character. I don't really care about his past but he should not let any negativeness in the past get in to our present. He should be striving to be a pious Muslim and struggle to leave out the bad and bring out the good in him always. Someone who follows the Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad (SAW). He would remind me to pray in-case i forget. Someone who can have Islamic discussion with me for hours and not get bored. He should help me out in the household chores once in a while like our Prophet SAW had helped His wife. He should read the Qur'an and pray five times a day. We would wake up for fajr and pray together. Someone who earns money in a halaal way even if its little. Someone who keeps away from drinking, gambling, bad company. Someone who is all mine and i can put all my trust in to and depend on. He should try to be religious and have patience with me. Someone who can outlook my negativity and appreciate the positives. He should take care of these little things and always put effort in our relationship to be better.
I can go on and on about my demands on a perfect man. But have you ever given it a thought that you get what you deserve? I believe in that completely. So, i can't find someone like that unless i give my all in to improving myself to be as good as i want my life partner to be. This brings me to the Quranic verse : Allah Almighty says (interpretation of the meaning): “Bad statements are for bad people (or bad women for bad men) and bad people for bad statements (or bad men for bad women). Good statements are for good people (or good women for good men) and good people for good statements (or good men for good women) such are innocent of that which people say: For them is pardon and a bountiful provision”
So if A’yesha may Allah be pleased with her is a bad woman then the prophet, peace be upon him is also bad.
In conclusion, I will not find a good hear-ted person until i am good myself. I will get what i deserve. If i am honest, loyal, patient, positive,loving and caring i will get these in return from my life partner. If i lie , talk ill, be fake, and not keep him happy then i cant expect my husband\soul mate to be all perfect to me. Makes sense? Its just not a theory of myself but it is coming from a Quranic Verse Allah says for believing men is for believing women. So , how can i ask Allah for a righteous life partner if i don't strive hard to become pious and righteous myself first? You cant just ask for duaa and expect Allah to answer it. Always strive hard to make yourself better first before you want the world to be all perfect to you and want everything to go right with you. And this verse is what keeps me going seeing all the negativity of the world that at the end of the day, nothing will go wrong with me if i always do the right thing and stay on the halaal path.
So the point of this blog is , do not loose hope. Good people exists and the change can happen but you should bring the change first by applying good in to your life and your character. Before raising finger at someone else ask yourself are you any better? Before being a hypocrite look within yourself. Before asking for a good man to Allah ask yourself are you good enough to deserve that. InshaAllah we all strive to be a better Muslim to gain the best of this life and the hereafter as well. InshaAllah Allah helps us find a righteous life partner and helps us to fight against all evil to live a righteous life.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Just a phase in life...
When i am upset i either write a poem or write on my diary or listen to music that goes with my current situation.The best options i use so far is pray or read surahs. I have done that. However, this blog is a second best option because i rather keep it short and sweet and hope to come back here at a time where this will just be a faded story. Every story has a sad truth and everyone finds a way to console themselves in life or live on to move on. Life goes on... i guess you just always got to close one chapter in life to begin a new one with the purpose of keeping yourself happy and sane.
ughhh ..... i am going through this weird phase in life where i am blaming myself for every little mistakes i have done in my life and every little steps i took in my life which was just wrong. But then i think to myself everything happens for a reason and i am where i am because of those decisions i made. The other side says may be if i took a different route in life, things would have been different and lot better. Just why , why it gotta be so complicated?
Its all about choices, i am where i stand is because of the choices i made in my life. Its all up to you how you want to make your life and build your little world. Only difference is some are very wise and some are very naive. I don't know which category i fall under but i am definitely the type who seeks for momentary happiness and not think of the future ahead. May be if i thought of future , life would be different for me. But i still stay positive since i am very good at consoling myself. I always be greatful to Allah for giving me everything that i need to live a happy life and for always keeping me safe and sound. Its not about me being ungreatful or blaming anyone around me. Its just about me and my innerself, i just wish i was wise. I wish i took a different route in life and made different choices about certain situations. I guess it was my age or its my age which is the cause of many faulty acts. I guess its called growing up and experience.
I might be confusing you but i am confused myself. Sometimes it is as if i dont know myself, i dont know anything and i just let time take me. I guess it is very important that a person knows himself well. Its important to get to know yourself , understand yourself and then take any steps in life. It is important to be wise in every step of the way in life. Because every bit matters and every choices will build your life. Its important to be strong and not let your heart or mind to fall weak in any kind of circumstances. Somewhere down the road i have failed to do so , so i am in a regretful stage.
But then you just got to live with the hope that you still got a chance to turn the table , turn your story around and make things better. You get many chances in life the difference is you got to be careful enough to not miss it. Life is full of mistakes, misery, regrets.. thats why i will be striving hard to build a home in paradise to free me from any negativities. This world is like that thats why its important to keep yourself sane and good for the better hereafter.
Thank Allah every moment and inshaAllah Allah guides us all in to doing the right thing in life and make the right choices. I will end this blog with this duwa for myself and every Muslim brothers and Sisters.
(O Allah!) Please do not leave me to my own self Because if You abandon me to my own desires I might be drawn towards evil and away from goodness and I have no support except Your Mercy. Please guide me and help me be true to myself and my devotion to your beautiful religion. help me save myself from the clutch of shaitaan and forgive me of my sins and if i repeat em again forgive me again and guide me Ya Ar Rahmanur Rahim.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Heaven in Hell
“And do not look towards that by which We have given enjoyment to [some] categories of them, [its being but] the splendor of worldly life by which We test them. And the provision of your Lord is better and more lasting.” (Quran 20:131)
To me this world is like a heaven in hell depending on how the people lead their life as per their wish. Most importantly how they are handling their actions and deeds in this life will make the difference for the hereafter. We are all getting tested by Allah in this life and world. We are also given a free will which we must take advantage of and choose the right way. We are given one chance to live and many chances to turn our bad deeds in to good.
Now, the reason i said this world is heaven in hell is because the worldy fun and entertainment will only lead one and misguide a person towards everything that is haraam. Thus, the real test is when we control our nafs(desire) and sacrifice our shaitaan given needs to make Allah happy.
CRUCIAL TESTS~"I will mislead them and I will create in them false desires; I will order them to slit the ears of cattle and to deface the (fair) nature created by Allah." Whoever, forsaking Allah, takes Satan for a friend, hath of a surety suffered a loss that is manifest. (An-Nisa 4:119)
Satan promised Allah to mislead us. He promised to change the nature created by Allah. We see many examples of this today and really no offense to anyone. We see girls taking many technological advantages to beautify themselves. They fix their teeth without any health purposes. They get tattoo done in their body. They pluck their eyebrows and i myself have done that in the past and inshaAllah i have quitted for good. InshaAllah i can keep that up for the rest of my life. We also see all the entertainment involving mostly haram activities such as clubs,girls and boys involved in sports, tv,music,chat,phones... and many more. We all seem to use the bad side of it including myself (in some cases). So, the worldy pleasure has amazed us so much that we forget that paradise is unimaginably beautiful. If this world is created by Allah Almighty and we are so fascinated by it, imagine the better place Allah has promised for us if we obey him and his Rasul (SAW).
This world will bloom for a while and then when you are in your grave , you will be left with nothing but your deeds. So watch out and watch what you choose to do in your life, who you hang out with, who you choose to make your life partner and most importantly watch yourself, are you following Islam properly? I am still striving to be a better Muslim and still try hard to fix many mistakes i repeatedly make. InshaAllah Allah guide us all in to doing the right thing.
Can you imagine waking up in your grave and answering to the Angel who will come to you with three questions.If you fail to answer then imagine the grave torment starting till Judgment Day. And then when the Hour comes, you will be destined to be in the place you were promised (hell or heaven). But, if your deeds are sound, thats just awesome, Alhamdulillah. So, its important to think of death every now and then. Its important we think of the Hereafter because that matters more than anything. We should give ourselves time to maintain the worldy business along with worshipping Allah. Allah will inshaAllah guide us if we help ourselves and protect ourselves. Remember you are your own protector, you make your life noone builds your life as per their wish. Its you who depend on your own self and you who make your life or break it. At the end of the day , its your choice so be wise. I hope to take my own advice too. IA.
So, i just decided to write this blog thinking of all the worldly pleasure and how i try to control my desires and wantings each day. This world and its entertainment and shaitaan's whisper does sound good but it will only destroy your own life for the eternity. So, though everything about this world is so amazing, try to think of a more amazing place, paradise. So be good to yourself including others. Dont get carried away by shaitaans whispers and always control your nafs thats what i am trying everyday. May Allah help you all and keep me in your duas. Khuda Hafiz.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
The Inner self and I
I have been away from my blog for a while. I couldn't get my mind fixed in to what to write. As some of you may know about the drastic change in me. I am trying to be more religious as day goes by. However, its not easy. What you physically apply to yourself doesn't define you but what you desire from within and how you control your nafs (desire) defines your character. Because when one is saying one thing and struggling with his thoughts will not really help him overcome his situation. Allah is omniscient nothing is hidden from him.
I know this is going to be random but i remembered a scene from Shakespeare's Hamlet to actually connect to my situation. I am sure everyone read it or at least know the drama. When King Hamlet's brother Claudius seeks repentance to god he basically struggles with his thoughts and he knows it. He knows that he is saying one thing but not truly repenting from heart , his words are not matching with his thoughts. I myself say one thing and doing the total opposite. I sometimes while sinning ask for forgiveness. Now, that's permissible. But sometimes it gets really hard to control your desire. So, i sometimes being a normal human being, Allah's slave struggling with the same thing. Sometimes i apply Islamic rulings in my life and on the other hand go astray in other important things. Such as watching tv, gossip, lying or even like argument with my mom. See, these actually fall under major sins. And somewhere down the road, i feel guilty and trying my best to control my anger, any sort of disrespect habits in me, etc. Thus, i am not perfect and not completely pious. I ask for everyone's prayers on that. I really want to fix other mistakes of mine and repent truly for many many sins i have committed in the past or still am committing. Also, the point is not how you have physically changed yourself with your clothing and personality but what really has changed inside your heart and intentions. So, i pray for myself and all the Muslim brothers and sisters to always keep their heart and mind pious and then physically apply it and only then the real meaning of it will come out.
And me, i am struggling still. I know i have changed a lot and for the better but there are still things which my inner self struggles with in my everyday life. Theres still anger in me that leads to many wrongdoings. There's still things inside my head that needs to be fixed. First and foremost fix my intention and purify my heart is what i am struggling with. Obviously, i am not an angel this cant be done overnight. But, everyday there's a battle with the bad me. And this blog may seem pointless to some of you. But, may be somewhere down the road you are suffering with the same situation that IS curable. Only difference is you have to be ready to bring the change in you. The point is always be truthful to yourself, always know what you want TRULY. Always love yourself and help yourself be a better human being and a better Muslim because if you cant help yourself no one can.
Always have faith and hope in Allah and be positive. If you help yourself Allah will make the path easier for you inshaAllah.
Thursday, October 06, 2011
How to repent for sins in Islam (frm my discussion)
It is important to seek forgiveness to Allah and many of us today forget to do that thinking we are sinners and embarassed to ask for forgiveness. Those who think that way are wrong and still under the shade of shaitaan since shaitaan makes them think that way so they don't repent. If they repent, shaitaan becomes the looser since sincere repentence is surely answered by Allah if Allah wills. So, no matter how big of a sin it is or how small it is , its important to ask forgiveness each and everyday. Everytime you do a sin, turn to Allah you never know Allah will probably give you hidayaa the very next minute and builds in you teh guilt and realization to never go down the path of sinning again. Never underestimate Allah's power and mercy. Today's blog will cover the importance of repentence and the importance of traning yourself to fight against your own nafs in order to stay away from sinning.
O you who believe! Turn to Allaah with sincere repentance! It may be that your Lord will expiate from you your sins, and admit you into Gardens under which rivers flow (Paradise)”
[al-Tahreem 66:8]
“In these verses, Allaah links expiation of sin and admission to Paradise to sincere repentance, which includes giving up sin and avoiding it, regretting what has happened in the past and sincere resolve never to return to it out of fear and respect for Allaah, hoping for His reward and fearing His punishment.”
With regard to your saying that you repent and then go back to sin, then you repent and then go back to sin, we say to you that even if you go back to sin time and time again, you should repent a great deal and annoy your Shaytaan who is laying in wait for you. Remember that Allaah “spreads out His hand at night to accept the repentance of those who sinned during the day, and He spreads out His hand during the day to accept the repentance of those who sinned during the night, (and this will continue) until the sun rises from the west.” (Narrated by Muslim, 2759)
The gate of repentance is open. Abu Hurayrah said: “The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘Whoever repents before the sun rises from the west, Allaah will accept his repentance.’” (Narrated by Muslim, 2703).
And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Allaah will accept the repentance of His slave so long as the death rattle has not yet reached his throat.” (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi and classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi, 2802).
Keep in mind that Allah even forgives unbelievers and hypocrites who fought against Him and His Messenger, if they turn back to Allah with sincere and true repentance:
[The Hypocrites shall be cast into the lowest depths of the Fire: no helper will you find for them; But those who repent, mend their ways, hold fast to Allah, and are sincere in their devotion to Him—they shall be numbered with the believers. And soon Allah will grant to the believers a reward of immense value.] (An-Nisaa’ 4:145–146)
[Those who conceal the clear signs We have sent down, and the guidance, after We have made it clear for the people in the Book—on them shall be Allah’s curse, and the curse of those entitled to curse, except those who repent and make amends and openly declare the Truth. Toward them I shall relent; for I am the Relenting one and Most Merciful.] (Al-Baqarah 2:159-160
Still, there is one kind of repentance Allah will not accept: the insincere repentance offered when death comes to a man. This is actually the moment a man meets the angels of death. Of this the Qur’an says
[Allah accepts the repentance of those who do evil in ignorance and repent soon afterwards; to them Allah will turn in mercy: for Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom. Of no avail is the repentance of those who continue to do evil, until death faces one of them, and he says, “Now have I repented indeed” nor of those who die rejecting Faith: for them We have prepared a painful chastisement.] (An-Nisaa’ 4:17 –18)
In the Qur’an Allah gives the striking example of such an act of repentance made at the last moment. Pharaoh, who chased Moses and the believers in order to kill them, ended by expressing his repentance while he drowned in the sea, a miracle wrought by Allah.
[When the (fate of) drowning overtook him, he said: I believe that there is no god except Him Whom the Children of Israel believe in: I am of those who submit (to Allah in Islam).] (Yunus 10:90)
However Allah’s response to him was as follows:
[Ah now! But a little while before, you were in rebellion! and you perpetrated mischief (and violence!)] (Yunus 10:91)
Since repentance is essential to the eternal salvation of man, one should well be aware of its importance and observe this form of worship to the best of one’s ability. One may have sinned extensively or have rebelled against one’s Creator. Yet, Allah encompasses His servants with so much mercy that He grants eternal salvation in response to a sincere repentance:
[When those who believe in Our signs, come to you say: Peace be upon you: Your Lord has decreed for Himself (the rule of) mercy: truly, if any of you committed evil in ignorance, and thereafter repented, and mended his ways, (he would find) Allah Oft-forgiving and Most Merciful.] (Al-An`am 6:54)
Maghfira: Forgiveness of Allāh, The Glorified and The Exalted
On the authority of Hadrat Anas (may Allāh be pleased with him) who said: I heard Allāh's Prophetic Messenger (may Allāh's blessings and peace be upon him) say:
Allāh the Almighty said: O Son of Ādam, so long as you call upon Me and ask of Me, I shall forgive you for what you have done, and I shall not mind. O son of Ādam, were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and were you then to ask for forgiveness of Me, I would forgive you; O son of Ādam, were you to come to Me with sins nearly as great as the earth and were you then to face Me, ascribing no partner to Me, I would bring you forgiveness nearly as great as it. (Tirmidhī) (Hadīth Qudsī)
Hadrat Abū Sa'īd al-Khudrī (may Allāh be pleased with him) relates that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (may Allāh's blessings and peace be upon him) said: A person from amongst a nation of the past, having slain ninety-nine persons, inquired as to who was the most learned person in the world. He was directed to a monk (who had given up the world). He went to the hermit and said: ?I have killed ninety-nine persons. Is there any chance of repentance left for me?" The hermit answered: "No". The man killed the hermit also and completed his century of victims.
The killer asked again, ?Who is the most learned person in this world?? He was directed to a learned man. Accordingly he went to him and said. ?I have killed one hundred persons. Is there any hope of repentance left for me?? The learned man said, "Yes, nothing can stand between you and repentance: Proceed to such and such a land. In this land are (pious) people who worship Allāh. Join them in their worship of Allāh and do not return to your home country because it is an evil place?.
The man started for this land. He had covered only half the distance when he met with his death. A dispute arose between the angel of mercy and the angel of torment as to who should take charge of his soul. The former pleaded that he had come as a penitent turning towards Allāh, and the latter contended that the deceased had never done a good deed.
Then there arrived an angel disguised as a human and the contending angels agreed that he should be the arbiter between them. He directed them to measure the distance between the two lands. To whichever he is nearer, to that one he belongs. So they carried out the measurement and found the land of pious persons to be closer. The angel of mercy thus took charge of him. (Bukhārī and Muslim)
Repentance breeds good deeds, whilst sinning (without repentance) can cause deprivation of obedience altogether. It has been said that committing sins regularly will darken and harden the heart. It may even lead a person to reject Allah completely (Allah forbid) or lead him to commit a bigger sin. There is no recourse for a sinner except to ask Allah for forgiveness and to feel great regret for his actions.
Repentance is to repent from the heart, to train the heart into obedience and to make a firm resolution never to commit the sin again.
The repenting person should remember three facts:
1. The grave consequence of sins.
2. The painful punishment for sins and
3. The helplessness of the servant with regards to these two things.
"Repentance has a door whose span is the distance between East and West," says a hadith (and in another version, its span is the distance travelled in 70 years). "It will not be closed until the sun rises from the west." Listen to the call of Allah, "O’ my slaves! You sin morning and evening and I forgive all your sins. So call on Me, I’ll forgive you all your sins."
Allah extends His hands in the night to forgive the sinner of the day and extends His hands in the day to forgive the sinner of the night. Moreover, He loves to hear excuses. Therefore, why don’t you turn to Him.
[If Allah were to punish men according to what they deserve, He would not leave on the surface of the earth one single living creature: but He gives them respite for a stated term.] (Fatir 35:45)
But man is weak and surrounded by enemies on all sides, and his own self urges him to do evil, and the Shaytaan flows through him like blood, and he lives in this world which is attractive to him… so how can he be safe from these enemies unless Allaah has mercy on him?
However, Hell is surrounded with whims and desires, and Paradise is surrounded with difficulties. So each person must turn to Allaah and ask Him to help him to remember Him and be grateful to Him and to worship Him properly. Abu Bakr came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said to him, “Teach me a du’aa’ that I can say in my prayer.” He said, “Say Allaahumma inni zalamtu nafsi zulman katheeran wa laa yaghfir al-dhunooba illa anta faghfir li maghfiratan min ‘indika warhamni innaka anta al-Ghafoor al-Raheem (O Allaah, I have done great injustice to myself and no one forgives sin except You. Grant me forgiveness from You and have mercy on me, for You are the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful).” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 834; Muslim, 2705).
There was another Sahaabi – one of the best and most knowledgeable of the Sahaabah – to whom the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “I love you, O Mu’aadh.” (Mu’aadh said), “And I love you, O Messenger of Allaah.” The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Do not forget to say in every prayer, ‘Rabbi a’inni ‘ala dhikrika wa shukrika wa husni ‘ibaadatika (O Allaah, help me to remember You, thank You and worship You properly.).’” (al-Nasaa’i, 1303; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Nasaa’i, 1236).
Nu'man b. Bashir reported: Allah is more pleased with the repentance of a believing servant than of a person who set out on a journey with a provision of food and drink on the back of his camel. He went on until he came to a waterless desert and he felt like sleeping. So he got down under the shade of a tree and was overcome by sleep and his camel ran away. As he got up he tried to see (the camel) standing upon a mound. but did not find it. He then got upon the other mound, but could not see anything. He then climbed upon the third mound but did not see anything until he came back to the place where he had been previously. And as he was sitting (in utter disappointment) there came to him the camel, till that (camel) placed its nosestring in his hand. Allah is more pleased with the repentance of His servant than the person who found (his lost camel) in this very state. Simak reported that Sha'bi was of the opinion that Nu'min traced it to Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him). Simak, however, did not hear that himself.
You should give up the sin for the sake of Allaah and not for any other reason such as not being able to do it or repeat it, or being afraid of what people will say, for example. The person who gives up a sin because it may affect his standing or reputation among people, or because it may cost him his job, cannot be described as having repented.
The person who gives up sins for the sake of his health and strength cannot be described as having repented, such as a person who gives up zinaa (adultery) and immoral actions for fear of contagious deadly diseases, or for fear that they may weaken his body and his memory.
The person who refrains from taking a bribe for fear that it may be being offered by undercover officers cannot be described as having repented. The person who gives up drinking alcohol and taking drugs because he has become bankrupt cannot be described as having repented.
Similarly, the person who is unable to commit sin because of something that lies beyond his control cannot be described as having repented, such as a liar who becomes paralyzed and loses the power of speech, or an adulterer who loses the ability to engage in intercourse, or a thief who has an accident and loses his limbs In such cases, a person has to feel regret and stop wishing to commit sin, or he has to feel sorry for what has happened in the past o someone like this the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Regret is repentance.” (narrated by Ahmad and Ibn Maajah; Saheeh al-Jaami’, 6802) He should feel repelled by the sin and the harm it causes
This means that sincere repentance cannot be accompanied by feelings of enjoyment and pleasure when remembering past sins, or wishing to go back to it in the future.
– being deprived of blessings – less help from Allaah – anxiety – more bad deeds – getting used to sin – the sinner becomes insignificant in the sight of Allaah – he becomes insignificant in the sight of people – the curse of the animals will be upon him – he will bear marks of humiliation – his heart will be sealed and he will come under the curse (of Allaah) – his du’aa’ will not be answered – cause of mischief on land and sea – loss of gheerah (protective jealousy) – loss of modesty – the blessings of Allaah will disappear – punishment will befall him – terror in the heart of the sinner – falling into the clutches of the Shaytaan – a bad end – punishment in the Hereafter.
“Friends on that Day will be foes one to another except Al-Muttaqoon (the pious)”
[al-Zukhruf 43:67]
Bad friends will curse one another on the Day of Resurrection, so you should keep away from them and break off your friendship with them, and warn others against them if you are not able to call them (to Allaah).
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“And those who, when they have committed Faahishah (illegal sexual intercourse) or wronged themselves with evil, remember Allaah and ask forgiveness for their sins; — and none can forgive sins but Allaah — and do not persist in what (wrong) they have done, while they know.
136. For such, the reward is forgiveness from their Lord, and Gardens with rivers flowing underneath (Paradise), wherein they shall abide forever. How excellent is this reward for the doers (who do righteous deeds according to Allaah’s Orders)”
[Aal ‘Imraan 3:135-136]
Ibn Katheer said: The words “and do not persist in what (wrong) they have done” mean: they repent from their sins and quickly turn to Allaah, and they do not persist in their sin, rather they give it up, and if they do that again they repent to Him.
It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah said: I heard the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: “A person committed a sin and said: ‘My Lord, I have sinned; forgive me.’ His Lord said: ‘Is My slave acknowledging that he has a Lord Who forgives sins and punishes for them? I have forgiven My slave.’ Then as much time passed as Allaah willed, then he committed a sin and said, ‘My Lord, I have sinned; forgive me.’ His Lord said: ‘Is My slave acknowledging that he has a Lord Who forgives sins and punishes for them? I have forgiven My slave.’ Then as much time passed as Allaah willed, then he committed a sin and said, ‘My Lord, I have sinned; forgive me.’ His Lord said: ‘Is My slave acknowledging that he has a Lord Who forgives sins and punishes for them? I have forgiven My slave,’ – three times…”
Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 7507; Muslim, 2758.
It was said to al-Hasan al-Basri: Would not any one of us feel ashamed before his Lord to seek forgiveness from his sin then go back to it, then seek forgiveness then go back to it? He said: The Shaytaan would like you to feel that way; never give up seeking forgiveness.
Friday, September 30, 2011
The importance of salaah (frm my discussion)
My job is to remind not to see the result nor to change someone. So i m here to jus remind and rest is up to u inshaAllah. Allah will guide In the Quran it says, "so remind them (O Muhammad), u r only a one who reminds. u r not a dictator over them." (Al ghashiyah 21-22).
My discussion of today will hold topics such as importance of salaah and what to do in order to follow a righteous life.The reason for my discussion and remind u guys is because its for ur good and its my responsiblity to tell others what good i apply in my life. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Allah and His angels and the creatures of Heavens and earth, even the ant in its dwelling and the fish in the sea, do send Salat to the one who teaches people (good) beneficial knowledge." (Related by Al-Tirmidhi)
FIrst of all i need to tell u guys importance of namaaz of which u may hav already know but i want to just remind u all . This trick works with me very well .. wen i try to b lazy and neglect the facts of Islam and someone reminds me i jus change for the better. So this is just a reminder of wht u guys already knw yet i m going to tell u mentioning hadith so bear wit me inshaAllah. Abu Huraira (r.a.) reported: I heard the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) saying: "Say, if there is a river at the door of one of you in which he takes a bath five times a day, would any soiling remain on him?" They replied: "No soiling would be left on him." He (pbuh) said: "That is the five (obligatory) salat (prayers). Allah obliterates all sins as a result of performing them".
[Bukhari and Muslim]
The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said:"Anyone amongst you who sat in a place of worship waiting for the prayer is in prayer and his ablution is not broken, the angels invoke blessing upon him (in these words): O Allah! pardon him. O Allah! have mercy upon him."
[Sahih Muslim Book Number: 004, Number: 1399:]
Perform wudoo correctly dont b in a haste 10 or 15 minz of ur namaaz will not give u an alsaar nor will ub late in anything. Make sure u cover urself all the way if u dnt got long sleeve then u hav to make sure ur arms n skin odont show in anyway nor a piece of hair comes out. nor see thru or pants tht r above ur ankle.Think about how its not evem permissible to go out without ur hijab, or by wearing short sleeve or wearing pants tht shows ur ankle so what makes it permissible to cloth that way during salaah?
My father said, "While we were praying with the Prophet (saw) he heard the noise of some people. After the prayer he said, 'What is the matter?' They replied 'We were hurrying for the prayer.' He said, 'Do not make haste for the prayer, and whenever you come for the prayer, you should come with calmness, and pray whatever you get (with the people) and complete the rest which you have missed."
[Sahih Bukhari Volume: 1, Book Number: 11, Number: 608]
When praying remember it as its ur last breath and in a means of conversating with Allah in terms of any distraction of whispers of shaitaan just remmber u r talkin to Allah and how can u disrespect that? How can u call on to Allah n get distracted by shaitaan? And i promise as soon as u remember that Allah is there in the front hearing u listenin to ur prayer u will not get distracted. Take a minute wen u stand for salaah and just let ur mind b fresh only prepared for the salaah n forgetting the world. Its a communication from u to Allah u can give ten minutes of ur life to not thinking of the worldy things and jus devote urself to Allah for ten minutes. Only look towards the front not to ur right or ur left or ur feet during rukoo nor close ur eyes.
Second those of u who do not understand the surahs and meaning of teh terms used in salaah plz memorise those;memorise it so u knw wht u r saying that way u will b able to pay attention to what u r saying. Ignorance is no excuse! Its very important to gain knowledge of IsLAM its not jus hujur and imaams job the Quran was given to all mankind to understand it. Arabic language was given to learn it if u dnt og tthe oppurtunity atleast try to learn the daily recitation so u knw wht u r sayin. If u red the Quran get the one wit translation. SAAY ur surahs properly do not jus blabber anything and go on. Take pause after u recite each line. Listen to the surahs on utube so u can pronounce it smoothly and nicely as u shud. its our responsibilities to ractify any mistakes isnt it? Our hujur wont give justify on our behalf on judgment day nor our parents. Its u who will take ur actions to ur grave n to the judgment day so isnt it ur responsiblity to gain knwoledge and do wahts right?
Third do not be lazy "Verily, I am Allah. There is no god but I: So serve thou Me (only), and establish regular prayer for My remembrance". {Sura Tá-há, ayah #14}
So, we pray to remember Allah nothing else. Prayers will take ur sins away and prevent u from sinning. Imagine so much things u r afraid about and so much u r sinning that u regret about. U r given five daily prayers and to stay pure. How can u sin on the state of purity and if u keep remembering that U gotta pray how can u b involve in haram activities if five daily prayers can keep u away from it. we can see all the prophets used pray to Allah (swt). SubhanAllah look this is the duwaa of Ibráhím (Abraham {AS}) mentioned in the Quran and even he asked Allah (swt) to make him one who establishes regular prayer! May Allah (swt) make us from those.
"O my Lord! make me one who establishes regular Prayer, and also (raise such) among my offspring, O our Lord!, and accept Thou my Prayer." (Sura Ibráhím, ayah # 40) .
SO whats stopping us from making that duwa for ourselves and our family and friends?Narrated AbuHurayrah (RAA) Rasulullah (SAW) said: Five prayers and from one Friday prayer to (the next) Friday prayer is an expiation (of the sins committed in between their intervals) if major sins are not committed. (Sahih Muslim Book 2, Number 0448)
Prayer is a rememberance of Allah and sahitaan tries to keep u away from it in ur busy schedule because he knws u will find peace in namaaz. Prayer acts as a shield against evil. Allah Almighty says in the Quran:
"...Verily, As-salat (the prayer) prevents from Al-Fahsha (i.e. great sins of every kind, unlawful sexual intercourse etc. ) and al-Munkar (i.e. disbelief, polytheism, and every kind of evil wicked deed etc.)..." (29:45)
Prayer can have a very similar effect. If a person remembers five times a day that he will stand on his prayer-mat and address his Lord, it will prevent him from committing the sins that Shaitan has been encouraging him to do. The lesson to be learned from this is that in Islam, there is no leaving "What belongs to God, for God; and what belongs to Caesar, for Caesar." Everything belongs to God. How can a Muslim who worships Allah Almighty during his five daily prayers, be expected to obey others in other aspects of his daily life. There can be no duality of authority in Islam. Allah is the Creator , and His Alone is the right to legislate and demand loyalty. Man is the slave of Allah and should obey Him Alone.
To intentionally neglect even a single prayer is a serious sin for which there can be no compensation. A Muslim is not to miss a prayer even in the terrifying moments of battle, so how can there be justification for missing his prayers in ordinary circumstances. during battle, the Imam leads same ranks of the contingent in one Rakat of the prayer, while the other soldiers continue to fight. The soldiers then change places, and the Imam leads the second group in prayer, while the first resumes fighting. This continues until everyone had prayed. This particular prayer is called Salat-ul-Khauf (Prayer of Fear) because of its unusual circumstances.
Abu Dhar narrated that Allah's Messenger (pbuh) came out in winter when the leaves were falling. He took hold of a branch (and shook it) and its leaves started falling. Then he said:
"O Abu Dhar!" I said, "Labbaik, O Messenger of Allah!" He said, "Whenever a Muslim prays seeking the Pleasure of Allah, his sins start falling like the leaves of this tree." (Musnad Ahmad)
Allah Almighty says:
"Then, there has succeeded them a posterity who have given up prayers (i.e. made their prayers to be lost, either by not offering them or by not offering them perfectly or by not offering them in their proper fixed times, etc.) and have followed lusts. so they will be thrown in Hell. Except those who repent and believe (in the Oneness of Allah and His Messenger Muhammad {pbuh}) and work righteousness. Such will enter Paradise and they will not be wronged in aught." (19:59, 60)
Preceding this verse, the Quran gives the example of many previous Prophets and their guided followers. This particular verse explains that the people who abandon prayer are those who follow their own selfish desires. A man can either obey Allah, or he can obey his own wishes; and this obedience is equated to worship by the Quran:
Have you (O Muhammad {pbuh}) seen him who has taken as his Ilah (god) his own desire? Would you then be a Wakil (a protecting guide) over him?" (25:43
Allah's Messenger (pbuh) described such people as the sales of Dirhams and Dinars, and things have not change much since his time. Today, the Americans are described by a western author as - 'people who worship the dollar for six days a week, and then they turn to God on the seventh day!"
When a heart is filled with love for money, it has no room for Allah, and prayer is the first thing to be abandoned.
In our everyday lives, we smile and say a warm thank-you to the small acts of kindness which others do for us. so what about thanking Allah, Who in His infinite Mercy has provided for every single one of our needs. Just observe the beauty and perfection of the earth around you, and fall down in gratitude to you Lord.
Sunday, September 04, 2011
The change starting to occur in me....
The Prophet said, "Religion is very easy and whoever overburdens himself in his religion will not be able to continue in that way. So you should not be extremists, but try to be near to perfection and receive the good tidings that you will be rewarded; and gain strength by worshiping in the mornings, the nights." (See Fath-ul-Bari, Page 102, Vol 1).
So, many people are misunderstanding that i am trying to be an extremist, taking drastic steps, going too far, making Islam difficult, doing things out of fear now and may change later, or to correct my intention first. To clear out those misunderstandings , i would like to clarify the fact that i am not doing things to satisfy Allah temporarily nor do i keep such intentions to discontinue what i have begun in the near future. INshAllah it is coming from a pure heart and what i have decided will stay for good. My prayer is to stay on the right track and for Allah to give me hidayaa and guide me when i am led astray. With that hope i decided to take steps which may change my life later or for those who are around me.
Yes, it is haraam to listen to music, haram to watch tv, haram to pluq eyebrows, haram to do make up to attract men , forbidden to chat with men, to come in front of guys, to wear tight fitted clothing; it is haram to do anything that will cause fights among your brother\sisters.
Yes, ofcourse no one changes over night and the change should happen by taking one step at a time. Yes, hasty decisions may not last long for near future. But, i am doing this wit the duwaa that inshaAllah i wont change and will only continue what i m doing for the better. I have decided to not pluck my eyebrows anymore, decided to stay away from music and TV as much as possible. I decided to learn about Islam and Hadith more and more in my busy schedule. I decided to wear loose fitted clothing and not do make up to attract men. Now, all these are not gonna happen over night. I just decided to bring that change whereas before i was not even close to thinking about bringing any change whatsoever. So, inshAllah i will change one step a time and slowly but surely. Above all may Allah help me correct my intention before i physically apply everything i have said. so, pray for me everyone.
so, i would like to end my blog with the thought of today:
if you like someone , get married. If you are searching for a groom or a bride, lay out the conditions to your parents of marrying a religious person. But, before all that fix your own faults and flaws and help yourself b religious . The sooner we take those Islamic steps and apply it in our life the better. Because death is unpredictable. Keep your intention straight and rest Allah knows best. Don't let yourself waste time and be involve with what the majority are doing. Because you will be alone in your grave with nothing but your actions and deeds. If you must change , then bring the change today and gradually apply it in your life. Be surely involve with the world but do not forget Allah and your prayer time. May Allah guide u all to the righteousness. Khuda Hafiz FIAmannillah
So, many people are misunderstanding that i am trying to be an extremist, taking drastic steps, going too far, making Islam difficult, doing things out of fear now and may change later, or to correct my intention first. To clear out those misunderstandings , i would like to clarify the fact that i am not doing things to satisfy Allah temporarily nor do i keep such intentions to discontinue what i have begun in the near future. INshAllah it is coming from a pure heart and what i have decided will stay for good. My prayer is to stay on the right track and for Allah to give me hidayaa and guide me when i am led astray. With that hope i decided to take steps which may change my life later or for those who are around me.
Yes, it is haraam to listen to music, haram to watch tv, haram to pluq eyebrows, haram to do make up to attract men , forbidden to chat with men, to come in front of guys, to wear tight fitted clothing; it is haram to do anything that will cause fights among your brother\sisters.
Yes, ofcourse no one changes over night and the change should happen by taking one step at a time. Yes, hasty decisions may not last long for near future. But, i am doing this wit the duwaa that inshaAllah i wont change and will only continue what i m doing for the better. I have decided to not pluck my eyebrows anymore, decided to stay away from music and TV as much as possible. I decided to learn about Islam and Hadith more and more in my busy schedule. I decided to wear loose fitted clothing and not do make up to attract men. Now, all these are not gonna happen over night. I just decided to bring that change whereas before i was not even close to thinking about bringing any change whatsoever. So, inshAllah i will change one step a time and slowly but surely. Above all may Allah help me correct my intention before i physically apply everything i have said. so, pray for me everyone.
so, i would like to end my blog with the thought of today:
if you like someone , get married. If you are searching for a groom or a bride, lay out the conditions to your parents of marrying a religious person. But, before all that fix your own faults and flaws and help yourself b religious . The sooner we take those Islamic steps and apply it in our life the better. Because death is unpredictable. Keep your intention straight and rest Allah knows best. Don't let yourself waste time and be involve with what the majority are doing. Because you will be alone in your grave with nothing but your actions and deeds. If you must change , then bring the change today and gradually apply it in your life. Be surely involve with the world but do not forget Allah and your prayer time. May Allah guide u all to the righteousness. Khuda Hafiz FIAmannillah
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Calling you out for prayers\salaah
I know many Muslims who do not pray their daily salaah or miss it. InshAllah i am writing this blog with the hope whoever reads it will not miss their salaah and encourage their dear ones and any Muslims to start if they havent yet.
Salat or Namaz is the most important and a complete system of worship in Islam. Literal meaning of salat is DUA. Considering salat as insignificant or taking it lightly (Istekhfaf-e-Salat) is a major sin. Both Quran and Ahadeeth emphasize that the salat must be given top priority in our daily life and must never be taken as a lightly or secondary thing.
We committ countless sins everyday whether it is talking to guys in a flirtatious way , letting them talk to u that way, music\tv, not fully covered up, cursing, gossip and whatnot. But, to human is to err thus, whats the harm if you take the time out to repent each day and ask Allah for forgiveness. And the easiest task is to pray five times a day think of all the sins you committ each day and to cover that up there isn't much good deeds we do. So, why leave the prayer and bring more misfortune and sins in to your account. Do not think i don't pray, i am a sinner. A true Muslim is those who repent for their sins and try everyday to not go back to the sinning path they were before. So, you can always start today with full faith and promise to never miss it.
Remember, Allah loves those who commit mistakes and repent: Prophet Muhammad said: “By Him in Whose Hand is my life, if you were not to commit sin, Allah would sweep you out of existence and He would replace (you by) those people who would commit sin and seek forgiveness from Allah, and He would have pardoned them.” [Sahih Muslim].
Hadeeth Holy Prophet (saw) : If salat is accepted by Allah, all good deeds will be accepted, & if salat is rejected, all good deeds will be rejected. Also, the first thing you will be asked on judgment day is whether you performed your daily salaah. So, imagine you stopping yourself from entering paradise KNOWINGLY.
Prophet (saw) said “Prayer is the pillar of your religion and one who intentionally forsakes his prayer has destroyed his religion. And one who does not guard the times of the prayers, shall be made to enter ‘Wayl’, which is a valley in Hell, as Allah, the Exalted, has said: “So woe to the praying ones, who are unmindful of their prayers.” (Biharul Anwar,Volume 82, Page 202)
The Holy Prophet [s.a.w.w.] said: "Be careful of the prayers, for, on the Day of Resurrection, when Allah the Exalted, will bring the servant (for reckoning), the first thing that He will ask him about will be the prayer. If one brings it completely, he will be
of the people of salvation, otherwise, he will be thrown into Fire." (Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 82, p. 202)
There are terrible consequences if one misses salaah.The position of all four madhaahib–Maliki, Shafi’ee, Hanbali, and Hanafi–with no difference of opinion–is that a person who does not pray, ever, is not a Muslim.Think about that. Not a Muslim. Not anyone who has a chance of Paradise.
Hell is so scary people. Hell is so deep that if a stone were to be thrown into it, it would travel for 70 years to reaching at the bottom Hell is infested with venomous snakes and scorpions of the size of donkeys and if they were to bite a person then he or she willsuffer pain for 40 years
Are you scared yet? Allah looks at a person mercifully if they are scared of sinning and carry a repenting heart. Imagine how we cant even stand a humid summer day, we cant stand mosquito bites and if a pinch of blood comes out how it burns? Do you know how worse hell will be? When you pray atleast you can live with the satisfaction that you will be able to have the face to answer on the day of judgment.
Few things you could do when you are lazy is LOUDLY say ALLAH HUAKBAR when you wake up for fajr and iA. it will break your sleep. If you are lazy to do wudoo just close your eyes and picture hell and just run to the bathroom. Fight your sloth , fight the demon that is stopping you. You don't want shaitaan to win by taking you in his line of followers. When you stand up to pray, do not be lazy. Think of how you overcame the laziness to stand up to pray and whats the harm if you pray attentively? When you hear the adhaan, please, pray right away. Because if you don't pray on time , there's punishment for that as well and it will have you slacking to a point, you will miss the time\waqt.
There are punishments you will have to bear in your life if you miss your daily prayer, punishment while you die, there will be punishment in your grave and punishment on judgment day. Who will save you from these punishment? Not our Prophet (SAW), not our mother or friends. Who can save you from hell fire? its you who can just turn your fate around and bring the change for the better hereafter. Ameen.
Heres the end of this blog with the thought of today
Remember that actions are rewarded according to intention. If your alarm clock is not helping, I suggest you use the "buddy system." If you live with family or friends, have someone knock on your door and make sure you're awake. Even if they have to sprinkle some water on your face, have them do that.I have a friend who calls me on fajr time... lately, i stay awake till fajr cuz i m sucha looser.
I know many Muslims who do not pray their daily salaah or miss it. InshAllah i am writing this blog with the hope whoever reads it will not miss their salaah and encourage their dear ones and any Muslims to start if they havent yet.
Salat or Namaz is the most important and a complete system of worship in Islam. Literal meaning of salat is DUA. Considering salat as insignificant or taking it lightly (Istekhfaf-e-Salat) is a major sin. Both Quran and Ahadeeth emphasize that the salat must be given top priority in our daily life and must never be taken as a lightly or secondary thing.
We committ countless sins everyday whether it is talking to guys in a flirtatious way , letting them talk to u that way, music\tv, not fully covered up, cursing, gossip and whatnot. But, to human is to err thus, whats the harm if you take the time out to repent each day and ask Allah for forgiveness. And the easiest task is to pray five times a day think of all the sins you committ each day and to cover that up there isn't much good deeds we do. So, why leave the prayer and bring more misfortune and sins in to your account. Do not think i don't pray, i am a sinner. A true Muslim is those who repent for their sins and try everyday to not go back to the sinning path they were before. So, you can always start today with full faith and promise to never miss it.
Remember, Allah loves those who commit mistakes and repent: Prophet Muhammad said: “By Him in Whose Hand is my life, if you were not to commit sin, Allah would sweep you out of existence and He would replace (you by) those people who would commit sin and seek forgiveness from Allah, and He would have pardoned them.” [Sahih Muslim].
Hadeeth Holy Prophet (saw) : If salat is accepted by Allah, all good deeds will be accepted, & if salat is rejected, all good deeds will be rejected. Also, the first thing you will be asked on judgment day is whether you performed your daily salaah. So, imagine you stopping yourself from entering paradise KNOWINGLY.
Prophet (saw) said “Prayer is the pillar of your religion and one who intentionally forsakes his prayer has destroyed his religion. And one who does not guard the times of the prayers, shall be made to enter ‘Wayl’, which is a valley in Hell, as Allah, the Exalted, has said: “So woe to the praying ones, who are unmindful of their prayers.” (Biharul Anwar,Volume 82, Page 202)
The Holy Prophet [s.a.w.w.] said: "Be careful of the prayers, for, on the Day of Resurrection, when Allah the Exalted, will bring the servant (for reckoning), the first thing that He will ask him about will be the prayer. If one brings it completely, he will be
of the people of salvation, otherwise, he will be thrown into Fire." (Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 82, p. 202)
There are terrible consequences if one misses salaah.The position of all four madhaahib–Maliki, Shafi’ee, Hanbali, and Hanafi–with no difference of opinion–is that a person who does not pray, ever, is not a Muslim.Think about that. Not a Muslim. Not anyone who has a chance of Paradise.
Hell is so scary people. Hell is so deep that if a stone were to be thrown into it, it would travel for 70 years to reaching at the bottom Hell is infested with venomous snakes and scorpions of the size of donkeys and if they were to bite a person then he or she willsuffer pain for 40 years
Are you scared yet? Allah looks at a person mercifully if they are scared of sinning and carry a repenting heart. Imagine how we cant even stand a humid summer day, we cant stand mosquito bites and if a pinch of blood comes out how it burns? Do you know how worse hell will be? When you pray atleast you can live with the satisfaction that you will be able to have the face to answer on the day of judgment.
Few things you could do when you are lazy is LOUDLY say ALLAH HUAKBAR when you wake up for fajr and iA. it will break your sleep. If you are lazy to do wudoo just close your eyes and picture hell and just run to the bathroom. Fight your sloth , fight the demon that is stopping you. You don't want shaitaan to win by taking you in his line of followers. When you stand up to pray, do not be lazy. Think of how you overcame the laziness to stand up to pray and whats the harm if you pray attentively? When you hear the adhaan, please, pray right away. Because if you don't pray on time , there's punishment for that as well and it will have you slacking to a point, you will miss the time\waqt.
There are punishments you will have to bear in your life if you miss your daily prayer, punishment while you die, there will be punishment in your grave and punishment on judgment day. Who will save you from these punishment? Not our Prophet (SAW), not our mother or friends. Who can save you from hell fire? its you who can just turn your fate around and bring the change for the better hereafter. Ameen.
Heres the end of this blog with the thought of today
Remember that actions are rewarded according to intention. If your alarm clock is not helping, I suggest you use the "buddy system." If you live with family or friends, have someone knock on your door and make sure you're awake. Even if they have to sprinkle some water on your face, have them do that.I have a friend who calls me on fajr time... lately, i stay awake till fajr cuz i m sucha looser.
Friday, August 05, 2011
ten ways of protection from shaitaan (greatly needed after Ramadan).
So, i have been reading about seeking repentence and Surah's online and in other books. So, i decided to share few things i do to be protected from shaitaan and u can do that as well to save you from daily sins. iA.
1. Seeking refuge with Allah from Shaytan. Allah the Most High said, “And if there comes to you from Satan an evil suggestion, then seek refuge in Allah. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Knowing.” [41:36]
2. Recitation of the two soorahs al-Falaq and an-Nas, as they have wondrous effect in seeking refuge with Allah from his evil, weakening Shaytan and protection from him. This is why the Messenger, (PBUH) said: “No person seeks refuge with anything like the Mu`awwidhatayn (soorahs al-Falaq and an-Nas)”. [an-Nasaa’i, 5337]
3. Recitation of Ayat al-Kursi (2:255).
4. Recitation of Soorah al-Baqarah. The Messenger, (PBUH) said, “The house in which al-Baqarah is recited is not approached by Shaytan.” [Muslim]
5. The final part of al-Baqarah. The Messenger, (PBUH) said, “Whoever recites the two last verses of al-Baqarah at night they will suffice him.” [Muslim]
6. Recitation of the beginning of Soorah Mu’min (Ghafir), until His saying, “wa ilayhi-l-maseer” (to Him is the destination). (i.e. “Ha. Meem. The revelation of the Book is from Allah, the Exalted in Might, the Knowing, the forgiver of sin, acceptor of repentance, severe in punishment, owner of abundance. There is no deity except Him; to Him is the destination.” [40:1-2])
7. Saying “la ilaha ill Allah wahdahu la sharika lah, lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu wa huwa `ala kulli shay’in qadir” (there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah, He has no partner, His is the Dominion and Praise, and He is able to do all things) a hundred times.
8. The most beneficial form of protection from Shaytan: Abundance of remembrance of Allah, the Exalted.
9. Ablution and prayer, and they are from among the greatest means of protection, especially at the time of emergence of anger and desire
10. Abstinence from excess speech, food and mixing with people.
1. Seeking refuge with Allah from Shaytan. Allah the Most High said, “And if there comes to you from Satan an evil suggestion, then seek refuge in Allah. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Knowing.” [41:36]
2. Recitation of the two soorahs al-Falaq and an-Nas, as they have wondrous effect in seeking refuge with Allah from his evil, weakening Shaytan and protection from him. This is why the Messenger, (PBUH) said: “No person seeks refuge with anything like the Mu`awwidhatayn (soorahs al-Falaq and an-Nas)”. [an-Nasaa’i, 5337]
3. Recitation of Ayat al-Kursi (2:255).
4. Recitation of Soorah al-Baqarah. The Messenger, (PBUH) said, “The house in which al-Baqarah is recited is not approached by Shaytan.” [Muslim]
5. The final part of al-Baqarah. The Messenger, (PBUH) said, “Whoever recites the two last verses of al-Baqarah at night they will suffice him.” [Muslim]
6. Recitation of the beginning of Soorah Mu’min (Ghafir), until His saying, “wa ilayhi-l-maseer” (to Him is the destination). (i.e. “Ha. Meem. The revelation of the Book is from Allah, the Exalted in Might, the Knowing, the forgiver of sin, acceptor of repentance, severe in punishment, owner of abundance. There is no deity except Him; to Him is the destination.” [40:1-2])
7. Saying “la ilaha ill Allah wahdahu la sharika lah, lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu wa huwa `ala kulli shay’in qadir” (there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah, He has no partner, His is the Dominion and Praise, and He is able to do all things) a hundred times.
8. The most beneficial form of protection from Shaytan: Abundance of remembrance of Allah, the Exalted.
9. Ablution and prayer, and they are from among the greatest means of protection, especially at the time of emergence of anger and desire
10. Abstinence from excess speech, food and mixing with people.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
gossip, just another big sin.
Not all types of rumors and gossip are alike, and some can be more hurtful and damaging than others.
Let’s say you’ve just heard a REALLY juicy rumor about someone you know. It may not be true, but it’s too good to keep to yourself. Your first instinct is to hop online and IM it to all your friends.
We’ve all had that kind of urge. But why?
For Attention? For control or power?To feel superior? To feel as part of the group?out of jealousy or revenge? or boredom? why?!!!
Did anyone ever think that spreading rumours and gossiping about other people will only bring damages in their life and would only take away the goodness off their character?
I don't think so...
Girls gossip so much its part of their daily life. I dont got someone i can call as best friend. I love my family, i dont get too involve wit the society. I try my best to stay away from gossiping and talking ill about others. Its a major sin people , we only harm ourselves by doing so. Think of the life after death , stop your mouth from talking rumours because the loss is yours. Think about it deep!
Teenage girls\boys- gossip about the popular girls\boys in school. Rumours such as someone is dating someone else. Gossiping about another girl's shoes or dressing sense. Bring out her flaws and gossip about it. Whats the point? Did it benefit you in anyway? It only shows you are weak and somewhere down the road you are not happy with yourself which is making you talk about others. smh*
So called friends- some girls back bite the ones they hang out with. Why hang out in the first place? cuz you are simply bored with your life? Need to spice it up? find something better seriously!
Married women\men- gossip about their inlaws . Always got something to say against the other party. Did you think it over that talkin about your inlaws basically means you are talkin shit about your own family. After all your inlaws are the people you spend the rest of your life with , someone you live under the same roof with. Don't forget you left your parents already , you only got one option to accept your in laws and feel love and recieve love. Don't keep yourself away from that by just gossiping which will only make your married life miserable.
Facebook- Or should i say the drama blog for some people? Status messages and wall posts can really backfire on you. Watch what you write to your friends and what you share with the facebook world. Remember you might be giving the gossip queens just another chance to talk about you or someone else.
I will just come to the main point, do not gossip people. Its a major sin and the reason our prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said more women will go to hell because of their gossiping habits. Do you want to ruin your life for the hereafter with your own hands? Becdause of these lowly deeds , one brings harm to themselves. People might not trust you when you gossip, they might not respect you , they will stop communicating with you. Did you think about that before gossiping? You only ruin your character by doing so and only bringing more sins in to your account.
Why do it? its wrong, it may ruin somebody's life. Few wrong words out of your mouth against somebody might make their life miserable. Do you want to be responsible for such thing? Remember, words hurt as much as a punch. Did you know when you spread rumours and the other party believes your rumours, it may lead 'em to make wrong choices in life? So, why do it? no benefits on your side right?
So, here's the end of this blog with the saying of today:
When Allaah, may He be glorified and exalted, said (interpretation of the meaning): “neither backbite one another” – as gossip is a transgression against people’s honour – He then said: “Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it (so hate backbiting). And fear Allaah. Verily, Allaah is the One Who forgives and accepts repentance, Most Merciful” [al-Hujuraat 49:12].
Let’s say you’ve just heard a REALLY juicy rumor about someone you know. It may not be true, but it’s too good to keep to yourself. Your first instinct is to hop online and IM it to all your friends.
We’ve all had that kind of urge. But why?
For Attention? For control or power?To feel superior? To feel as part of the group?out of jealousy or revenge? or boredom? why?!!!
Did anyone ever think that spreading rumours and gossiping about other people will only bring damages in their life and would only take away the goodness off their character?
I don't think so...
Girls gossip so much its part of their daily life. I dont got someone i can call as best friend. I love my family, i dont get too involve wit the society. I try my best to stay away from gossiping and talking ill about others. Its a major sin people , we only harm ourselves by doing so. Think of the life after death , stop your mouth from talking rumours because the loss is yours. Think about it deep!
Teenage girls\boys- gossip about the popular girls\boys in school. Rumours such as someone is dating someone else. Gossiping about another girl's shoes or dressing sense. Bring out her flaws and gossip about it. Whats the point? Did it benefit you in anyway? It only shows you are weak and somewhere down the road you are not happy with yourself which is making you talk about others. smh*
So called friends- some girls back bite the ones they hang out with. Why hang out in the first place? cuz you are simply bored with your life? Need to spice it up? find something better seriously!
Married women\men- gossip about their inlaws . Always got something to say against the other party. Did you think it over that talkin about your inlaws basically means you are talkin shit about your own family. After all your inlaws are the people you spend the rest of your life with , someone you live under the same roof with. Don't forget you left your parents already , you only got one option to accept your in laws and feel love and recieve love. Don't keep yourself away from that by just gossiping which will only make your married life miserable.
Facebook- Or should i say the drama blog for some people? Status messages and wall posts can really backfire on you. Watch what you write to your friends and what you share with the facebook world. Remember you might be giving the gossip queens just another chance to talk about you or someone else.
I will just come to the main point, do not gossip people. Its a major sin and the reason our prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said more women will go to hell because of their gossiping habits. Do you want to ruin your life for the hereafter with your own hands? Becdause of these lowly deeds , one brings harm to themselves. People might not trust you when you gossip, they might not respect you , they will stop communicating with you. Did you think about that before gossiping? You only ruin your character by doing so and only bringing more sins in to your account.
Why do it? its wrong, it may ruin somebody's life. Few wrong words out of your mouth against somebody might make their life miserable. Do you want to be responsible for such thing? Remember, words hurt as much as a punch. Did you know when you spread rumours and the other party believes your rumours, it may lead 'em to make wrong choices in life? So, why do it? no benefits on your side right?
So, here's the end of this blog with the saying of today:
When Allaah, may He be glorified and exalted, said (interpretation of the meaning): “neither backbite one another” – as gossip is a transgression against people’s honour – He then said: “Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it (so hate backbiting). And fear Allaah. Verily, Allaah is the One Who forgives and accepts repentance, Most Merciful” [al-Hujuraat 49:12].
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
The way I am
I don't know why i am writing this may be because i left my journal back in US. Ever since that incident, stopped keeping journals and started writing on my blog.I hope no one finds it , i have written so much that i wouldn't want people to find out about. I am writing this because of few things my mom and my bro say to me all the time. I hope he is reading it. If you guys keep up with my blogs, then some of you may know that i don't write about myself or my life story all the time. My blogs usually tells about my thoughts and opinion.So, this is a bit different.Somewhere down the road, you may realize you are just like me.
The type of person I am. My brother says , i have a great conscious and understanding of life. But, somewhere down the road i don't use my own advice which leads to many downfall. I can give the best advices to someone that could change their life and would do anything to make someone feel better. If you love me a little, i will give you my heart not piece of it BUT all of it. I am emotional to the limit. He says, "if you are gonna b living in this society, you cant expect everyone to be nice to you and love you like we do". I have found this statement to be so true , YET i am in denial. I feel if i am keeping a clean heart and love everyone then why cant they? but ppl are different right? So you see what i mean, I DO understand it all but i am too weak to accept it. makes sense?
My momma on the other hand says, I know very little about the world and the kind of people living in it. I just met good people in my life so i feel life is all nice and dandy. But, when reality slaps you across the face, you will be too weak to face it. So, always be prepared for any situations and keep a strong mind and heart. Don't think with your heart all the time. She says i think about the momentary happiness which can lead to many wrong decisions that i make in life.
AND me, i am happy and i been happy with the way i am and the way i am living my life so far. Yes, there are hardship in life, i may come across good and bad people. But, may be i will learn to face it. I always learn things the hard way because i am stubborn. I hope i start thinking before stepping in to something. THINK twice before making a decision. Stop being confused about anything and everything in life. But, while i am typing it i am thinking, i don't want to change the way i am. I want people to accept me the way i am and love me and be nice to me. I will do the same in return.I don't want nothing else, I really didn't ask for much did i?Why cant life be that simple? Are you like this too? Like you have all the understandings of life YET don't apply your own advice in many situations. I think i am just not wise when it comes to MY life and decisions.
Hope i didn't confuse anyone. This is just a jibbar-jabber i couldn't write on my personal diary. My advice to everyone : Think wisely before making decisions and Look twice before stepping in to the crossroads of life. Don't expect everyone to be nice and loving. Do your best but don't have expectations. (here u go, wish i took my own advice).
Bonus: a lesson I WISH i learned.
Always give yourself the highest level, show your importance to your loved ones before they take you for granted. Show your worth. Throw your decisions, if you don't like something , SAY IT. Don't sacrifice and be so nice that people take advantage of you. Sometimes people don't appreciate and wont look beyond your niceness. That's why its important to love yourself first. Once again i wish i was like that. I am just the opposite of that. If i love you, i will think about your happiness and do anything to keep you happy even if it means by sacrificing my desire and need. This doesn't always lead to happy ending. Life is more than that. Give yourself a pat in the back for all the good work you do and give people the love you are capable of giving including keeping your happiness in mind. sighs**
The type of person I am. My brother says , i have a great conscious and understanding of life. But, somewhere down the road i don't use my own advice which leads to many downfall. I can give the best advices to someone that could change their life and would do anything to make someone feel better. If you love me a little, i will give you my heart not piece of it BUT all of it. I am emotional to the limit. He says, "if you are gonna b living in this society, you cant expect everyone to be nice to you and love you like we do". I have found this statement to be so true , YET i am in denial. I feel if i am keeping a clean heart and love everyone then why cant they? but ppl are different right? So you see what i mean, I DO understand it all but i am too weak to accept it. makes sense?
My momma on the other hand says, I know very little about the world and the kind of people living in it. I just met good people in my life so i feel life is all nice and dandy. But, when reality slaps you across the face, you will be too weak to face it. So, always be prepared for any situations and keep a strong mind and heart. Don't think with your heart all the time. She says i think about the momentary happiness which can lead to many wrong decisions that i make in life.
AND me, i am happy and i been happy with the way i am and the way i am living my life so far. Yes, there are hardship in life, i may come across good and bad people. But, may be i will learn to face it. I always learn things the hard way because i am stubborn. I hope i start thinking before stepping in to something. THINK twice before making a decision. Stop being confused about anything and everything in life. But, while i am typing it i am thinking, i don't want to change the way i am. I want people to accept me the way i am and love me and be nice to me. I will do the same in return.I don't want nothing else, I really didn't ask for much did i?Why cant life be that simple? Are you like this too? Like you have all the understandings of life YET don't apply your own advice in many situations. I think i am just not wise when it comes to MY life and decisions.
Hope i didn't confuse anyone. This is just a jibbar-jabber i couldn't write on my personal diary. My advice to everyone : Think wisely before making decisions and Look twice before stepping in to the crossroads of life. Don't expect everyone to be nice and loving. Do your best but don't have expectations. (here u go, wish i took my own advice).
Bonus: a lesson I WISH i learned.
Always give yourself the highest level, show your importance to your loved ones before they take you for granted. Show your worth. Throw your decisions, if you don't like something , SAY IT. Don't sacrifice and be so nice that people take advantage of you. Sometimes people don't appreciate and wont look beyond your niceness. That's why its important to love yourself first. Once again i wish i was like that. I am just the opposite of that. If i love you, i will think about your happiness and do anything to keep you happy even if it means by sacrificing my desire and need. This doesn't always lead to happy ending. Life is more than that. Give yourself a pat in the back for all the good work you do and give people the love you are capable of giving including keeping your happiness in mind. sighs**
Monday, July 04, 2011
My true inspiration
For those of you who do not know who Dr. Zakir Abdul Karim Naik is by now he is a public speaker on the subject of Islam and comparative religion. He is the founder and president of the islamic Research Foundation. Before becoming a public speaker, he trained as a doctor. Naik says that his goal is to "concentrate on the educated Muslim youth who have become apologetic about their own religion and have started to feel the religion is outdated."He considers it a duty of every Muslim to remove perceived misconceptions about Islam.
How i wish one of my family members were like Zakir Naik or wish they would try to follow his pathways. If there was someone like him in my family, i would learn so much and would be motivated everday. InshAllah everyone sees the real light in the tunnel i.e ISLAM. I admire Dr. Zakir Naik the most in this world. I appreciate his messages and greatful that there are still people like that who not only teach others about the righteous ways but follows it himself. Surely, you cant be a true believer unless you follow it yourself first.
Naik is my motivation to be a better Muslim and I realized how important education is all due to him. Without education (in any field) we would remain ignorant and not understand Islam properly. We would focus on what we hear from others. We wouldnt try to use our own logic or knowledge and that would only lead to hypocrisy and ignorance. If you noticed, how some bengali parents\elders\youngsters are very hypocrite. For example, they would pray five times a day and would back bite others and think it is okay to treat people differently. They are unware of the fact that 'backbiting" is a sin as well. It is all because they do not try to get Islam , they only know what they were taught and would not try to find out or learn more. It is important to learn about Islam while you are alive in this duniyaa. We wont have a second chance after death. You can never learn enough , if we really try to get the Quran, life would be different and we would be a changed person from what we were before.
Dr. Zakir Naik not only tries to be a better Muslim everyday but he proves it through his actions. He tries to follow the true Islamic ways, he learns about it and speaks with the right sources. He even shows the right path to his children and as a Muslim this is the right way life should be led. Sometimes i wished i did major in Islam and was admitted in Islamic school. InshAllah, when i have kids , it is my wish to send them to Islamic school of teachings. hehe..ps: gotta get married first.
So, i hope you all listen to his lectures because they are real enjoyable. I actually get excited to listen to his lectures on Peacetv or youtube. He is a great man and a true inspiration for Muslims. I admire him like no other. May Allah bless him and his family. So, heres the end of this blog with the thoughts of today.
I from the bottom of my heart truly hope people who are ignorant and hypocrites try to learn more about Islam including me. I hope we treat people as we want to be treated. We remove jealousy and hatred cause those things lead to back biting. I hope we fight the shaitaan within ourselves first before judging others. May Allah keep us aloof from temptations, lies and decieving. Ameen!
How i wish one of my family members were like Zakir Naik or wish they would try to follow his pathways. If there was someone like him in my family, i would learn so much and would be motivated everday. InshAllah everyone sees the real light in the tunnel i.e ISLAM. I admire Dr. Zakir Naik the most in this world. I appreciate his messages and greatful that there are still people like that who not only teach others about the righteous ways but follows it himself. Surely, you cant be a true believer unless you follow it yourself first.
Naik is my motivation to be a better Muslim and I realized how important education is all due to him. Without education (in any field) we would remain ignorant and not understand Islam properly. We would focus on what we hear from others. We wouldnt try to use our own logic or knowledge and that would only lead to hypocrisy and ignorance. If you noticed, how some bengali parents\elders\youngsters are very hypocrite. For example, they would pray five times a day and would back bite others and think it is okay to treat people differently. They are unware of the fact that 'backbiting" is a sin as well. It is all because they do not try to get Islam , they only know what they were taught and would not try to find out or learn more. It is important to learn about Islam while you are alive in this duniyaa. We wont have a second chance after death. You can never learn enough , if we really try to get the Quran, life would be different and we would be a changed person from what we were before.
Dr. Zakir Naik not only tries to be a better Muslim everyday but he proves it through his actions. He tries to follow the true Islamic ways, he learns about it and speaks with the right sources. He even shows the right path to his children and as a Muslim this is the right way life should be led. Sometimes i wished i did major in Islam and was admitted in Islamic school. InshAllah, when i have kids , it is my wish to send them to Islamic school of teachings. hehe..ps: gotta get married first.
So, i hope you all listen to his lectures because they are real enjoyable. I actually get excited to listen to his lectures on Peacetv or youtube. He is a great man and a true inspiration for Muslims. I admire him like no other. May Allah bless him and his family. So, heres the end of this blog with the thoughts of today.
I from the bottom of my heart truly hope people who are ignorant and hypocrites try to learn more about Islam including me. I hope we treat people as we want to be treated. We remove jealousy and hatred cause those things lead to back biting. I hope we fight the shaitaan within ourselves first before judging others. May Allah keep us aloof from temptations, lies and decieving. Ameen!
Friday, June 17, 2011
Steps to becoming a better Muslim
So, this is going to be a lot of material to absorb in one read. So , you might have to read again.
In life comes many circumstances where you feel that you are helpless and insecure. Throughout, all the obstacles and circumstances, I never lost hope in Allah. I always prayed, hoped for the best and stayed positive and trust me, it did wonders in my life. However, i feel i am not accomplishing my goal in this life time. We were sent to this world for a purpose , a purpose to serve Allah. We are abusing our free will and many of us are creating evil. Evil is created only by mankind and we should always be reminded to be a better Muslim and fight shaitaan every moment of the day.
So, here i am , a recently changed person or still making the effort to change from how i was before or years ago. I don't know how it came to me but i hope and InshAllah every Muslim will try to lead this path that i am trying to follow.
My steps to becoming a better Muslim was first to be covered up. I got long sleeve dresses made, bought hijab. I am still making sure i doll up at parties but only when i am covered up like a Muslim woman should be. lol! Every time there's a talk of someone else, if its ill talk or something that would ruin his\ her reputation, i make sure i stop myself from talking about that person. It is one of the biggest sins to back bite and talk behind someone's back. If i really want to share information or give an example, i just tell the other person about a particular situation and make sure not to mention any names. If one hears anything bad about a person, as a Muslim they should hide their flaws and not bring it out to the world to defame them in anyway.
Other things i attempted to do and try everyday is to keep a clean heart and mind. I try to not dislike anyone or think bad of them. It is just not worth it people, doesn't benefit you in anyway. I try to keep a clean intention. My previous blog about prayers was all about the mind and heart finding peace and consolation through the source of praying and not by going to a psychologist or doing yoga. You could take a look at that for a better understanding. I also make sure when anything pisses me off, i always find ways to pacify my heart in a positive way. I try not to let anger mess with me because anger is a path of destruction. I keep my faith strong at all times. I always read Islamic articles and blogs online to always keep me motivated towards my goal. I want to be reminded everyday to be a better Muslim otherwise, i fear i will go astray. This world might just eat me up and throw me to the devils. Every time there is a evilness wandering in my mind, i think of hell right away. I always talk about Islam or write about my thoughts, so my Imaan becomes stronger and stronger by the day.
This is a future reminder to myself:
Marry someone who is religious , not only does he pray and stays on the right path but his family as well. I believe if you truly follow the path of Islam and not hypocrisy, it is impossible for you to stay aloof from the source of happiness. Islam is the true key to happiness if one tries to follow it from heart. I don't need lots of money to keep me happy. I believe if you are filthy rich, something wrong went down in your ways of earning money. Cant be super rich by staying on the halal path. (Talking about BD situations). If i like someone, I am going to try to make sure i stay on the path to satisfy Allah through my actions and not do anything haram.The hadeeth of the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wasallam, which said, "If a man whose Deen is acceptable to you comes for marriage, then marry him (your daughter or sister)," seems to have little relevance as to how we decide about what makes an ideal Muslim husband. I can always pray right? Tahajjud prayer after midnight is very helpful to feel closer to Allah.
I want to be always around people who will always set restrictions from doing anything haraam. I don't want to build in the guts to go astray. I want to not only remind myself but be around those people who will remind me and follow same ways as me. I can only get that if i marry in to a super religious family. Love comes after. I want to build my future and marriage based on all that. I cant be with a family that is too involved with the society and the snobby, show off world of today. Because that will only take me away from Allah's path. You all may not agree with me and think , no matter where you are what kinds of people you are around, you can always be on the right path if you are strong enough. However, i like to do things the way i feel satisfied. Shaitaan easily takes me to the bad path, so i must be around good people and this is my reason for mentioning about marring in to a religious family.
I pray everyday to be on the right track, to keep my eyes away from seeing anything bad, bad mouthing someone, feel pride, be jealous, hatred or anger. If i could forever follow this , I will truly find peace at heart. This is my practice and inshAllah i keep practicing it in the near future and never give up on my goals . So , pray for me everyone. I hope somewhere down the road, my words stick to your mind as a reminder to be a better Muslim. I hope it makes a difference in your lives. It is never too late to apologize for mistakes, repent for sins and cover your sins by doing something pious. Allah is great and kind, he will forgive us if we repent from heart and stay away from sins. So, inshAllah i come back to this and read it over and over everytime shaitan tries to engulf my mind with devilish thoughts.
So, here's the end of this blog with the thoughts of today:
He makes mistakes, but whatever happens, he corrects mistakes by going back to Allaah's rules and being truthful to them. It is that simple.I believe in that.
If you heard the hindi phrase ," kaal kare so aaj kar, aaj kare to abhi" meaning,Do it today what you plan to do tomorrow, and do it right now what you plan to do today; don't let shaitan tell you, you will start praying soon, will cover up soon, be a good person from next year. (lol i am random). DO IT TODAY people!! Life is limited , your death is unpredictable. Make the difference today. Khuda Hafiz.
In life comes many circumstances where you feel that you are helpless and insecure. Throughout, all the obstacles and circumstances, I never lost hope in Allah. I always prayed, hoped for the best and stayed positive and trust me, it did wonders in my life. However, i feel i am not accomplishing my goal in this life time. We were sent to this world for a purpose , a purpose to serve Allah. We are abusing our free will and many of us are creating evil. Evil is created only by mankind and we should always be reminded to be a better Muslim and fight shaitaan every moment of the day.
So, here i am , a recently changed person or still making the effort to change from how i was before or years ago. I don't know how it came to me but i hope and InshAllah every Muslim will try to lead this path that i am trying to follow.
My steps to becoming a better Muslim was first to be covered up. I got long sleeve dresses made, bought hijab. I am still making sure i doll up at parties but only when i am covered up like a Muslim woman should be. lol! Every time there's a talk of someone else, if its ill talk or something that would ruin his\ her reputation, i make sure i stop myself from talking about that person. It is one of the biggest sins to back bite and talk behind someone's back. If i really want to share information or give an example, i just tell the other person about a particular situation and make sure not to mention any names. If one hears anything bad about a person, as a Muslim they should hide their flaws and not bring it out to the world to defame them in anyway.
Other things i attempted to do and try everyday is to keep a clean heart and mind. I try to not dislike anyone or think bad of them. It is just not worth it people, doesn't benefit you in anyway. I try to keep a clean intention. My previous blog about prayers was all about the mind and heart finding peace and consolation through the source of praying and not by going to a psychologist or doing yoga. You could take a look at that for a better understanding. I also make sure when anything pisses me off, i always find ways to pacify my heart in a positive way. I try not to let anger mess with me because anger is a path of destruction. I keep my faith strong at all times. I always read Islamic articles and blogs online to always keep me motivated towards my goal. I want to be reminded everyday to be a better Muslim otherwise, i fear i will go astray. This world might just eat me up and throw me to the devils. Every time there is a evilness wandering in my mind, i think of hell right away. I always talk about Islam or write about my thoughts, so my Imaan becomes stronger and stronger by the day.
This is a future reminder to myself:
Marry someone who is religious , not only does he pray and stays on the right path but his family as well. I believe if you truly follow the path of Islam and not hypocrisy, it is impossible for you to stay aloof from the source of happiness. Islam is the true key to happiness if one tries to follow it from heart. I don't need lots of money to keep me happy. I believe if you are filthy rich, something wrong went down in your ways of earning money. Cant be super rich by staying on the halal path. (Talking about BD situations). If i like someone, I am going to try to make sure i stay on the path to satisfy Allah through my actions and not do anything haram.The hadeeth of the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wasallam, which said, "If a man whose Deen is acceptable to you comes for marriage, then marry him (your daughter or sister)," seems to have little relevance as to how we decide about what makes an ideal Muslim husband. I can always pray right? Tahajjud prayer after midnight is very helpful to feel closer to Allah.
I want to be always around people who will always set restrictions from doing anything haraam. I don't want to build in the guts to go astray. I want to not only remind myself but be around those people who will remind me and follow same ways as me. I can only get that if i marry in to a super religious family. Love comes after. I want to build my future and marriage based on all that. I cant be with a family that is too involved with the society and the snobby, show off world of today. Because that will only take me away from Allah's path. You all may not agree with me and think , no matter where you are what kinds of people you are around, you can always be on the right path if you are strong enough. However, i like to do things the way i feel satisfied. Shaitaan easily takes me to the bad path, so i must be around good people and this is my reason for mentioning about marring in to a religious family.
I pray everyday to be on the right track, to keep my eyes away from seeing anything bad, bad mouthing someone, feel pride, be jealous, hatred or anger. If i could forever follow this , I will truly find peace at heart. This is my practice and inshAllah i keep practicing it in the near future and never give up on my goals . So , pray for me everyone. I hope somewhere down the road, my words stick to your mind as a reminder to be a better Muslim. I hope it makes a difference in your lives. It is never too late to apologize for mistakes, repent for sins and cover your sins by doing something pious. Allah is great and kind, he will forgive us if we repent from heart and stay away from sins. So, inshAllah i come back to this and read it over and over everytime shaitan tries to engulf my mind with devilish thoughts.
So, here's the end of this blog with the thoughts of today:
He makes mistakes, but whatever happens, he corrects mistakes by going back to Allaah's rules and being truthful to them. It is that simple.I believe in that.
If you heard the hindi phrase ," kaal kare so aaj kar, aaj kare to abhi" meaning,Do it today what you plan to do tomorrow, and do it right now what you plan to do today; don't let shaitan tell you, you will start praying soon, will cover up soon, be a good person from next year. (lol i am random). DO IT TODAY people!! Life is limited , your death is unpredictable. Make the difference today. Khuda Hafiz.
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
HIjab is my choice NOT a compulsion.
So, many people are raising questions asking me about my decision on becoming a hijabi. This is not out of the blue people, i just didn't talk about it. I have been wanting to and intended to be a hijabi since a long time now. Today is the day, and i thank Allah for giving me the courage finally. I know people will judge me, call me a hypocrite or poke fun at me. I dont want to argue but i will try my best to put sense in them. Better late then never right? With that thought i want to share few ideas with you all. I want to share my story and opinion.
A very important person in my life lectured me on Islam and about hijab. Obviously, he told me things i already knew but only difference was i never applied those in my life before. He said something very touchy, " A Muslim woman should be recognized by her attire and behavior". After a talking session with him, i changed my mind completely. I just decided to be covered up and put on a hijab.I decided to remove my guy friends and all my pictures from facebook. It may sound unfair to some of you. But i had to do things the way i felt comfortable and satisfied. InshAllah, i dont change and stay that way. So, pray for me everyone. :)
Opinion: Many people (especially the girls who don't wear hijab) regularly say similar to: "i know a lot of girls wear it because of their parents so just because theirs a veil does not mean shes religious but its a good indicator."I say, at least she is humble enough to obey her parents in that case. And being humble is a good sign for a girl being a potential good wife. Also it shows her parents care enough about Islam to guide her daughter to wear it . In other words, she is doing something pious - whatever excuse is given for or against so , do not judge her.
Another thing is when you pray to Allah , whether you do your five salaah, or be a hijabi. Try, to practice it all from heart because you fear Allah and to please Allah and not the world. This duniya is for few days the real life begins after death. So, why not take advantage of the chances we are given in this lifetime to follow life according to the Holy book of Quran. I regret not being fully covered up all these years, regret it all. You can always ask for forgiveness but remember when you ask for forgiveness , you have to make promises to Allah to never go down that lane of haram activities again. And inshAllah, Allah (saw) will accept our prayers.
When i started to wear hijab, the feeling in my heart was sensational. I felt complete.I felt beautiful. I wear my hijab because i want to keep Allah happy. I want to try to accomplish my purposes of this life by following the right path of Islam. I wear it to be protected from the evil eyes. I wear it so everyday i am reminded to be a better muslim. These reasons are strong enough to build up and strengthen your Imaan and strong enough if your heart wants to agree with everything i said.
InshAllah, those who don't wear hijab will start someday. Those who wear it will never take it off including me. Those who judge others will stop judging or point any fingers. Everyone is in a battle with themselves no one asked your opinion to judge them. So DON'T! Let them live their life according to their wishes and you live yours. You can always tell your Muslim brother or sister to be on the right path. Never force anyone just tell 'em the ways. It is up to them whether to apply it to their life or not.
BONUS: Hijab is beautiful if you can put it on nicely and present yourself confidently. Be comfortable and do not care about what ppl say. Do it for the right purpose not to please somebody or to show off or even worse, feel proud about it. Swallow your pride it doesn't benefit you in anyway. Khuda Hafiz.
A very important person in my life lectured me on Islam and about hijab. Obviously, he told me things i already knew but only difference was i never applied those in my life before. He said something very touchy, " A Muslim woman should be recognized by her attire and behavior". After a talking session with him, i changed my mind completely. I just decided to be covered up and put on a hijab.I decided to remove my guy friends and all my pictures from facebook. It may sound unfair to some of you. But i had to do things the way i felt comfortable and satisfied. InshAllah, i dont change and stay that way. So, pray for me everyone. :)
Opinion: Many people (especially the girls who don't wear hijab) regularly say similar to: "i know a lot of girls wear it because of their parents so just because theirs a veil does not mean shes religious but its a good indicator."I say, at least she is humble enough to obey her parents in that case. And being humble is a good sign for a girl being a potential good wife. Also it shows her parents care enough about Islam to guide her daughter to wear it . In other words, she is doing something pious - whatever excuse is given for or against so , do not judge her.
Another thing is when you pray to Allah , whether you do your five salaah, or be a hijabi. Try, to practice it all from heart because you fear Allah and to please Allah and not the world. This duniya is for few days the real life begins after death. So, why not take advantage of the chances we are given in this lifetime to follow life according to the Holy book of Quran. I regret not being fully covered up all these years, regret it all. You can always ask for forgiveness but remember when you ask for forgiveness , you have to make promises to Allah to never go down that lane of haram activities again. And inshAllah, Allah (saw) will accept our prayers.
When i started to wear hijab, the feeling in my heart was sensational. I felt complete.I felt beautiful. I wear my hijab because i want to keep Allah happy. I want to try to accomplish my purposes of this life by following the right path of Islam. I wear it to be protected from the evil eyes. I wear it so everyday i am reminded to be a better muslim. These reasons are strong enough to build up and strengthen your Imaan and strong enough if your heart wants to agree with everything i said.
InshAllah, those who don't wear hijab will start someday. Those who wear it will never take it off including me. Those who judge others will stop judging or point any fingers. Everyone is in a battle with themselves no one asked your opinion to judge them. So DON'T! Let them live their life according to their wishes and you live yours. You can always tell your Muslim brother or sister to be on the right path. Never force anyone just tell 'em the ways. It is up to them whether to apply it to their life or not.
BONUS: Hijab is beautiful if you can put it on nicely and present yourself confidently. Be comfortable and do not care about what ppl say. Do it for the right purpose not to please somebody or to show off or even worse, feel proud about it. Swallow your pride it doesn't benefit you in anyway. Khuda Hafiz.
Thursday, June 02, 2011
Dreams and wishes.
I know people have so many wishes and dreams. They wish to visit many places someday, dream of becoming a doctor or an engineer one day. Dream of becoming rich or marry rich? haha.. In my case, sometimes i wish i would dream too or keep such wishes. If i had wishes or dreams i probably would have motivation towards something in my life. But i don't dream big nor do i have any wishes that i want to fulfill someday.
If i wish to be anything then it is to be a better Muslim and always be on the right path or at least keep practicing. I believe , this life is too short to run after what we shouldn't be running after. By that i mean, any haram activities. We should live to please Allah and keep people happy around us. Kill jealousy and hatred from within, kill the evil that is taking us to the wrong direction and just pray and be a good person. Then not only you will feel good about your existence but you will be showered with love everywhere you go.
You must be thinking how does all this connect to my point about dreams and wishes. It does connect because I am talking about how i lead my life or wish to or try to. I don't dream about becoming this or doing this or that someday but dream about being a better person. Thus, i try everyday.
I just wish to live a simple life. While, i am with my parents , i want to take care of them and keep them happy. Never give them a reason to complain and never break my brother's trust. If i get married someday, i wanna make sure i will keep my in laws happy and keep my husband happy. I want to repent any mistakes from the past. I want to only better myself from onward. This is just a beginning. I hope someday i truly become a better Muslim and inshAllah i will. Where there's a will there is a way. :) I hope i come back to this blog often just for a reminder about my real wishes and dream.
I don't want to run after the worldly pleasure , i don't need diamondz , rubyz and pearls. Sure they are beautiful. But, i want to stay within my limits and expect less from life or anyone around me. I don't want to dream about a big house and a nice car outside my garage but i want nice people around me with big hearts that would shower me with love. And this is my dream to love and be loved in return and i could get that only by my right doings not if i am too busy running after my dream like a selfish person. The real life begins after our time is over here. We are standing in the middle of hell and heaven and its our choice to decide where to go from our free will. So, think about this. Life here is short the real deal is the hereafter. Hope this makes better sense to you all.
So, here's the end of this blog with the thoughts of today:
Don't run after the dreams but get busy chasing the reality. Don't think of another person's luxury but smile about what you have. What you are given may be enough for the whole lifetime. Be who you are , love what you have, stick to your motivation and live a righteous life.
If i wish to be anything then it is to be a better Muslim and always be on the right path or at least keep practicing. I believe , this life is too short to run after what we shouldn't be running after. By that i mean, any haram activities. We should live to please Allah and keep people happy around us. Kill jealousy and hatred from within, kill the evil that is taking us to the wrong direction and just pray and be a good person. Then not only you will feel good about your existence but you will be showered with love everywhere you go.
You must be thinking how does all this connect to my point about dreams and wishes. It does connect because I am talking about how i lead my life or wish to or try to. I don't dream about becoming this or doing this or that someday but dream about being a better person. Thus, i try everyday.
I just wish to live a simple life. While, i am with my parents , i want to take care of them and keep them happy. Never give them a reason to complain and never break my brother's trust. If i get married someday, i wanna make sure i will keep my in laws happy and keep my husband happy. I want to repent any mistakes from the past. I want to only better myself from onward. This is just a beginning. I hope someday i truly become a better Muslim and inshAllah i will. Where there's a will there is a way. :) I hope i come back to this blog often just for a reminder about my real wishes and dream.
I don't want to run after the worldly pleasure , i don't need diamondz , rubyz and pearls. Sure they are beautiful. But, i want to stay within my limits and expect less from life or anyone around me. I don't want to dream about a big house and a nice car outside my garage but i want nice people around me with big hearts that would shower me with love. And this is my dream to love and be loved in return and i could get that only by my right doings not if i am too busy running after my dream like a selfish person. The real life begins after our time is over here. We are standing in the middle of hell and heaven and its our choice to decide where to go from our free will. So, think about this. Life here is short the real deal is the hereafter. Hope this makes better sense to you all.
So, here's the end of this blog with the thoughts of today:
Don't run after the dreams but get busy chasing the reality. Don't think of another person's luxury but smile about what you have. What you are given may be enough for the whole lifetime. Be who you are , love what you have, stick to your motivation and live a righteous life.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
few stuff -- i was just bored.
I thought i should jot down few facts about myself. If you are interested to know that is.
1) I love my family.
2) My dada (grandpa) was one of the greatest man i knew. (May his soul rest in peace).
3) I love my relatives, friends and cousins.
4) love it when people come over my house for a feast. (love cooking for them).
5) Compliments flatter me to a high extent. Yeh, really.
6) I always complained about my weight when it was fine. (right now it isnt though).
7) i love junk food. If u put a plate full of salad next to me, i might puke.
8) if u ask about my brother's car i wont be able to tell u the name.
9) i dont wanna work before or after marriage. InshAllah after graduation if i become a teacher, that is different.
10) I dont believe in love marriages anymore. I just believe in fate and that you get what you deserve.
11) I always wanted to be a psychology major. But , Bangladesh had something else in store for me.
12) I try not to complain about life nor complain about anyone. I am thankful to Allah every moment.
13) I dont envy others but extremely happy with myself.
14) Lies , selfishness, cheap ppl - stay away from me.
15) little things can make me happy. i dont need much in life as long as you are nice to me.
16) Never talk ill of others as you dont want anyone to talk ill of you.
17)Life is just a test. So, dont get involve with the world so much that you forget about ur deeds.
18) I love Islam thus, i believe in peace and unity.
19) I love fashionable clothings. I always gotta wear nice clothes, smell good and have hair accessories on. I wont give that up.
20) I get irritated real fast. When i am angry u might see the worse of me and the very second i will realize and calm down as well.
21) Whoever talks shit about twilight can go shoot themselves on the toe.
22) Boys are whatever. Never go after them nor waste your time. Let yourself find a good one to stick with because you deserve it.
23) Always positive in any situations.
24) Marriage- its a religious duty and i guess try to make the best out of it? So, girls keep your family closer. we all will have to leave them one day. grrrrr!! darn boys!
25) I dont like my name. grrr
26) I might turn in to a hijabi (inshAllah that happens soon). Pray for me.
27) I always read about Islam and anything when i am on google. Its fun. u can never knw enuff.
28) How i met your mother is one of the funniest shows i ever watched.
29) hindi movies are great. THey are not gay.
30) one of my wishes- my cousins and i and the entire family would b in one house chilling. Hope that comes true someday.
31) I love AMERICA.
32) Dont judge others, dont be ungreatful, want less and appreciate more. Have patience ( which i dont have).
33) Let life take you and hope and pray for the best. Thats what i do.
34) There are so many but i especially love dis one.You are the servant, He is the Master. Prayers come from you, answers come from Him. Abstinence comes from you, protection comes from Him. Repentance comes from you, acceptance comes from Him. Go towards him walking, He will come to you running.'
It shows the love that can exist between the believer and Allah(swt)
Allah hafiz.
1) I love my family.
2) My dada (grandpa) was one of the greatest man i knew. (May his soul rest in peace).
3) I love my relatives, friends and cousins.
4) love it when people come over my house for a feast. (love cooking for them).
5) Compliments flatter me to a high extent. Yeh, really.
6) I always complained about my weight when it was fine. (right now it isnt though).
7) i love junk food. If u put a plate full of salad next to me, i might puke.
8) if u ask about my brother's car i wont be able to tell u the name.
9) i dont wanna work before or after marriage. InshAllah after graduation if i become a teacher, that is different.
10) I dont believe in love marriages anymore. I just believe in fate and that you get what you deserve.
11) I always wanted to be a psychology major. But , Bangladesh had something else in store for me.
12) I try not to complain about life nor complain about anyone. I am thankful to Allah every moment.
13) I dont envy others but extremely happy with myself.
14) Lies , selfishness, cheap ppl - stay away from me.
15) little things can make me happy. i dont need much in life as long as you are nice to me.
16) Never talk ill of others as you dont want anyone to talk ill of you.
17)Life is just a test. So, dont get involve with the world so much that you forget about ur deeds.
18) I love Islam thus, i believe in peace and unity.
19) I love fashionable clothings. I always gotta wear nice clothes, smell good and have hair accessories on. I wont give that up.
20) I get irritated real fast. When i am angry u might see the worse of me and the very second i will realize and calm down as well.
21) Whoever talks shit about twilight can go shoot themselves on the toe.
22) Boys are whatever. Never go after them nor waste your time. Let yourself find a good one to stick with because you deserve it.
23) Always positive in any situations.
24) Marriage- its a religious duty and i guess try to make the best out of it? So, girls keep your family closer. we all will have to leave them one day. grrrrr!! darn boys!
25) I dont like my name. grrr
26) I might turn in to a hijabi (inshAllah that happens soon). Pray for me.
27) I always read about Islam and anything when i am on google. Its fun. u can never knw enuff.
28) How i met your mother is one of the funniest shows i ever watched.
29) hindi movies are great. THey are not gay.
30) one of my wishes- my cousins and i and the entire family would b in one house chilling. Hope that comes true someday.
31) I love AMERICA.
32) Dont judge others, dont be ungreatful, want less and appreciate more. Have patience ( which i dont have).
33) Let life take you and hope and pray for the best. Thats what i do.
34) There are so many but i especially love dis one.You are the servant, He is the Master. Prayers come from you, answers come from Him. Abstinence comes from you, protection comes from Him. Repentance comes from you, acceptance comes from Him. Go towards him walking, He will come to you running.'
It shows the love that can exist between the believer and Allah(swt)
Allah hafiz.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
One day at a time- this is enough.
"You came empty on earth, why overloaded now, where all your choices absolutely correct, is never too late to reconsider them?" William Ngwako Maphoto
I have made so many decisions in life and they were a mix of both good and bad. Every time i fell in a bad situation, i tried blaming others, blaming fate, blaming past. I realized there is no one to be blamed but myself because I was brought in the situation by me and no one else. The decisions I made became my fate. So, with the help of that thought I decided to write my blog on decisions and choices in life.
You don't always get what you want in life but you can get what you need. Sometimes the things that you feel you got to have is probably not the right thing for you. Sometimes when you may not want something may turn out to be a positive thing for you that you were unaware of. Life is all about ups and down and choices. We make choices in our life and live by the consequences. If you can control the process of choosing, you can take control of all aspects of your life.
So, don't blame life and don't blame others. Somewhere down the road you are responsible for the situation you are in. If i make a decision and fall in disheartening circumstances, its all because of the choices i made. At the end of the day , no one to be blamed but yourself. So, every time i am hurt by something or my situation, I just look deep in my heart and I have got my answer.
Its all up to you how to get close to a person, up to you to make decisions and up to you to bring changes. The point of today's blog is basically a reminder to myself. Every time I am upset by the choices i made in life, I shall be reminded over and over again to be more wise in the future and not repeat my mistakes from past. To be wise about who I hang out with, be strong about the situations of my life and lastly, understand what I want and not be confused.
This brings to the highlight of the blog today, "You don't always get what you want, but you could get what you need". People make mistakes that they regret about or make decisions that they feel were wrong. In that case, let bygones be bygones and just move forward. Somewhere down the road you may find what you need just with the help of patience from within. Even if you do not get what you want, you have to have enough patience for life to bring you a surprise. In those cases, let time take ya. Wait for something better to come along. Build your heart and soul to be strong enough to not make the same mistakes.
And above all, Everything happens for a reason. It may feel negative but with time you will realize it was a positive thing otherwise, you wont be where you are at now and wouldn't be happy. Don't forget Allah never gives you unbearable pain. Living one day at a time is enough. You cannot dwell in past or think of the future. Make your present worthwhile and keep memories close to your heart. So, even if you made mistakes, made wrong decisions, have regrets, think of all the opportunities life may bring for you to right all that you have wronged to make a better future.
So, never get disheartened in any situations. Thank Allah everyday and every moment. You can satisfy your heart to be happy if your mind wants it. So, here's the end of this blog with the thoughts of today:
You've got a lot of choices. Consider what you think justice requires, and decide accordingly.Always remember that Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions. So, face your situation no matter how hard it is because this is just another experience.
I have made so many decisions in life and they were a mix of both good and bad. Every time i fell in a bad situation, i tried blaming others, blaming fate, blaming past. I realized there is no one to be blamed but myself because I was brought in the situation by me and no one else. The decisions I made became my fate. So, with the help of that thought I decided to write my blog on decisions and choices in life.
You don't always get what you want in life but you can get what you need. Sometimes the things that you feel you got to have is probably not the right thing for you. Sometimes when you may not want something may turn out to be a positive thing for you that you were unaware of. Life is all about ups and down and choices. We make choices in our life and live by the consequences. If you can control the process of choosing, you can take control of all aspects of your life.
So, don't blame life and don't blame others. Somewhere down the road you are responsible for the situation you are in. If i make a decision and fall in disheartening circumstances, its all because of the choices i made. At the end of the day , no one to be blamed but yourself. So, every time i am hurt by something or my situation, I just look deep in my heart and I have got my answer.
Its all up to you how to get close to a person, up to you to make decisions and up to you to bring changes. The point of today's blog is basically a reminder to myself. Every time I am upset by the choices i made in life, I shall be reminded over and over again to be more wise in the future and not repeat my mistakes from past. To be wise about who I hang out with, be strong about the situations of my life and lastly, understand what I want and not be confused.
This brings to the highlight of the blog today, "You don't always get what you want, but you could get what you need". People make mistakes that they regret about or make decisions that they feel were wrong. In that case, let bygones be bygones and just move forward. Somewhere down the road you may find what you need just with the help of patience from within. Even if you do not get what you want, you have to have enough patience for life to bring you a surprise. In those cases, let time take ya. Wait for something better to come along. Build your heart and soul to be strong enough to not make the same mistakes.
And above all, Everything happens for a reason. It may feel negative but with time you will realize it was a positive thing otherwise, you wont be where you are at now and wouldn't be happy. Don't forget Allah never gives you unbearable pain. Living one day at a time is enough. You cannot dwell in past or think of the future. Make your present worthwhile and keep memories close to your heart. So, even if you made mistakes, made wrong decisions, have regrets, think of all the opportunities life may bring for you to right all that you have wronged to make a better future.
So, never get disheartened in any situations. Thank Allah everyday and every moment. You can satisfy your heart to be happy if your mind wants it. So, here's the end of this blog with the thoughts of today:
You've got a lot of choices. Consider what you think justice requires, and decide accordingly.Always remember that Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions. So, face your situation no matter how hard it is because this is just another experience.
Monday, April 04, 2011
Life is too short to be anything but happy.
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.-- Buddha
My life has been a track full of unexpected circumstances. I became friends with people, i never thought i would be friends with. I have been to situations i never thought i would be in. But, that's life. I have grown to learn so much about myself. The fact that i have decided to come to Bangladesh is a reason i chose to write a blog sharing details of my life today. I thought living in Bd would be the worst thing that could ever happen to me. The more i think the worst i feel. Its like little crumbs and pieces are scattered all over the place and i just need to find it and fix it for once. I am talking in riddle i know... but i wish i was a strong person and would learn to make decisions without depending on others.
My friends always ask me why did i come to bd and what on earth am i doing with my life. I just tell them that it is my parents decision and i don't want to live without them. Some of the worst negatives i find about Bd is the education and my career here.
1) If i am here , what will my future be? My career; no colleges would accept my credits from Bd college.
2) lets say, i graduate from Bd and decide to move to America. I wouldn't get a good job and i would have to start my education from where i left of at. Basically, all the years drown the drain.
3) Education wise i am screwed. Now, comes to the life i am leading. Trust me, its not comfortable.
4) I am currently 21 and living the most boring life ever. Not that my life was fun before but the fact i was in America made a huge difference.
5) I left my cousins and friends who i had so much fun with. I had places to go. But, here nowhere to go and have fun and don't have much options to do anything.
6) I am wasting my fun age and wasting a lot of time i could use to make my life better for the future.
The list goes on my friends. However, this takes us to the above title of the blog today, "Life is too short to be anything but happy". So, here i am still happy and smiling everyday. Every time i am restless and my heart fills up with negativity , i pray and heal. Every time my mind asks me, what am i doing with my life? I just tell myself, go with the flow. Every time i get annoyed at my situations, i think this is happening for a good reason. And every time i am upset and think of my memories, i tell myself, "live for the moment, not the memory". So, i try to lead a happy life i thank Allah for everyday. I thank him for giving me a healthy life with my family. I try not to think about the future nor plan anything. Sometimes it is not a good thing but i have been happy this way.
The life i lead is Allah's decision but the circumstances i put myself in to are all because of my actions. I will not get to that because it is a bit personal and will take me forever to put in words to explain. However, i have been too dependent on my family and been too childish. It is time to grow up and learn to take responsibilities of my actions. Time to be wise and not make any silly decisions , time to realize what danger i may drag myself in to. Because every time i am in trouble, my parents and friends wont come for help. I will have to stand up for myself and learn to save myself. I have been dependent for too long , it is time i grow up. Time to use my own advice and lead a life where i make straight decisions and not do anything that would put me in bad situations. I have been less serious about life and too optimistic that i thought everything i do would be alright. Its time i be serious. InshAllah!
So, here's the end of this blog with the thoughts of today"
I am sorry if i bored you with my life story. If you are somewhere confused as me,a sensitive person , someone who is too dependent that you feel everything you do will be okay because you are not thinking about the long run. Please save yourself, bring changes in your decisions before its too late. Be optimistic but don't bring your optimism in serious situations where you feel you may do something wrong but feel positive that you will get away from it.Your character and actions speak for you, don't make silly decisions. May Allah (SWT) help us all lead a peaceful and happy life. Amen!
My life has been a track full of unexpected circumstances. I became friends with people, i never thought i would be friends with. I have been to situations i never thought i would be in. But, that's life. I have grown to learn so much about myself. The fact that i have decided to come to Bangladesh is a reason i chose to write a blog sharing details of my life today. I thought living in Bd would be the worst thing that could ever happen to me. The more i think the worst i feel. Its like little crumbs and pieces are scattered all over the place and i just need to find it and fix it for once. I am talking in riddle i know... but i wish i was a strong person and would learn to make decisions without depending on others.
My friends always ask me why did i come to bd and what on earth am i doing with my life. I just tell them that it is my parents decision and i don't want to live without them. Some of the worst negatives i find about Bd is the education and my career here.
1) If i am here , what will my future be? My career; no colleges would accept my credits from Bd college.
2) lets say, i graduate from Bd and decide to move to America. I wouldn't get a good job and i would have to start my education from where i left of at. Basically, all the years drown the drain.
3) Education wise i am screwed. Now, comes to the life i am leading. Trust me, its not comfortable.
4) I am currently 21 and living the most boring life ever. Not that my life was fun before but the fact i was in America made a huge difference.
5) I left my cousins and friends who i had so much fun with. I had places to go. But, here nowhere to go and have fun and don't have much options to do anything.
6) I am wasting my fun age and wasting a lot of time i could use to make my life better for the future.
The list goes on my friends. However, this takes us to the above title of the blog today, "Life is too short to be anything but happy". So, here i am still happy and smiling everyday. Every time i am restless and my heart fills up with negativity , i pray and heal. Every time my mind asks me, what am i doing with my life? I just tell myself, go with the flow. Every time i get annoyed at my situations, i think this is happening for a good reason. And every time i am upset and think of my memories, i tell myself, "live for the moment, not the memory". So, i try to lead a happy life i thank Allah for everyday. I thank him for giving me a healthy life with my family. I try not to think about the future nor plan anything. Sometimes it is not a good thing but i have been happy this way.
The life i lead is Allah's decision but the circumstances i put myself in to are all because of my actions. I will not get to that because it is a bit personal and will take me forever to put in words to explain. However, i have been too dependent on my family and been too childish. It is time to grow up and learn to take responsibilities of my actions. Time to be wise and not make any silly decisions , time to realize what danger i may drag myself in to. Because every time i am in trouble, my parents and friends wont come for help. I will have to stand up for myself and learn to save myself. I have been dependent for too long , it is time i grow up. Time to use my own advice and lead a life where i make straight decisions and not do anything that would put me in bad situations. I have been less serious about life and too optimistic that i thought everything i do would be alright. Its time i be serious. InshAllah!
So, here's the end of this blog with the thoughts of today"
I am sorry if i bored you with my life story. If you are somewhere confused as me,a sensitive person , someone who is too dependent that you feel everything you do will be okay because you are not thinking about the long run. Please save yourself, bring changes in your decisions before its too late. Be optimistic but don't bring your optimism in serious situations where you feel you may do something wrong but feel positive that you will get away from it.Your character and actions speak for you, don't make silly decisions. May Allah (SWT) help us all lead a peaceful and happy life. Amen!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Recently, I have watched an Indian movie called, "Guzarish" obviously, it sounds foreign to some of you. Its the Indian word for request. The movie's genre is just like any other drama, romance, family movies. In my case, it was a little different than what i have seen from my point of view. The movie showed me a light to live my life more optimistically. This movie was about a magician who has been paralyzed since a performance went wrong 14 years before. Ethan, the magician doesn't lose hope. As long as he is living, he dedicates his life to work and tries to put a smile in his fan's faces through the book he wrote and through his radio show.
I came to the realization that there are so many people in this world who are suffering from many life threatening and incurable diseases. We are healthy and living a perfect life that we don't be thankful enough for. If looked from the helpless people's point of view, our life is so much better and so much we could be grateful for. People are still out there wanting more and being greedy and these may lead to the path of destruction. We often do not realize how life is beautiful and we should enjoy every moment because tomorrow is not promised to us.
In the movie, there was a scene where Ethan is going out and while the driver is driving him through a field he sees, kids are playing, running and enjoying. He wishes he could be in their shoe and wishes he could get one chance to start his life new. Start everything all over and not be helpless. Life is so beautiful yet, we complain about little things that go wrong. We fail to realize that Allah put us through situations to learn from it and with the balance of sadness and happiness what we lead is a normal life.
There are thousands of people who are suffering so much in their life that they wish they could be in your place. So appreciate your life because there are others who wished they could have what you got. You should be thankful for everything you have because you are living a healthy and normal life.
So, I hope today's blog helped everyone to look at life more positively and ignore anything that goes wrong. Because without misery and problems life would be plain and boring.
I came to the realization that there are so many people in this world who are suffering from many life threatening and incurable diseases. We are healthy and living a perfect life that we don't be thankful enough for. If looked from the helpless people's point of view, our life is so much better and so much we could be grateful for. People are still out there wanting more and being greedy and these may lead to the path of destruction. We often do not realize how life is beautiful and we should enjoy every moment because tomorrow is not promised to us.
In the movie, there was a scene where Ethan is going out and while the driver is driving him through a field he sees, kids are playing, running and enjoying. He wishes he could be in their shoe and wishes he could get one chance to start his life new. Start everything all over and not be helpless. Life is so beautiful yet, we complain about little things that go wrong. We fail to realize that Allah put us through situations to learn from it and with the balance of sadness and happiness what we lead is a normal life.
There are thousands of people who are suffering so much in their life that they wish they could be in your place. So appreciate your life because there are others who wished they could have what you got. You should be thankful for everything you have because you are living a healthy and normal life.
So, I hope today's blog helped everyone to look at life more positively and ignore anything that goes wrong. Because without misery and problems life would be plain and boring.
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
Joy Of Cooking
I am back to writing and this time I decided to write about cooking from my experience. Cooking is definitely an art and I believe your cooking will not come out right if you don't cook from heart. Mix the ingredients with love, mix them with the desire to eat because you are feeling like a hungry monster. When you mix your ingredients , do it from heart . Think about how you want your dish to come out. Experience cooking with the real joy and pleasure and only then your cooking skills will be accomplished.
There are few rules to follow when cooking and few things you can do to enjoy the session. Now, notice how this is not coming from a perfect professional but from my own experiences.
You could cook anything and any dish whether it is desserts, appetizers, or main courses but, keep in mind to not get impatient with the cooking process. If you follow recipe from internet please, follow the exact process. If the recipe is followed from a book, use you logic. Sometimes the recipe books leave out some ingredients and detailed process of cooking .In that case, you should think of what is missing in an ingredient or what you could add to complete the recipe. Lastly, the recipe that is followed on TV, follow the ingredients and do as told. However, keep in mind that you could always go an extra notch when cooking, you do not have to certainly follow all the steps but, do something different on your own. If you are a first time cooker then it is different I suggest, you luckily pick the perfect recipe and follow as said.
Sometimes people try to get with the easy way out by going with the semi cooking method when making their dish or using ready made cooking. Now, those do not always come out right and in my case, I hate cooking like that because I do not feel fully accomplished. I feel I am not being fair to my task. I know, I know, I am pretty serious about my chef skills. Thus, what happens when you cook semi cooking is that it does not come as tasty as it would if you cooked from scratch. All my recipes are made from scratch whether they are cookies, cake, main courses or appetizers.
Another thing you could do is when cooking do everything on your own with no helping hands. I enjoy cooking when I chop onions and vegetables on my own, when I do every little steps and processes just on my own. Keep in mind that you do not always remember each of the recipe and how it goes so , don't be lazy to write them down. Sometimes, people try to cook exactly as they were told which is a good thing as well as may turn out to be a negative thing. For instance, when cooking desserts, if you are told to bake for 30 minutes and you feel your cake is not baked yet, cook for another five minutes.Another example would be mixing butter in to your flour when making cookies. Sometimes the book tells you to mix one cup of butter in 1 and 1\2 cups flour. Now, when making cookies the amount of butter you put is a real important part Because if you put too less it will come out hard and if you put too much then it will break and just be crumby. So, pour the butter little at a time and just when you feel you have put the perfect amount, start mixing. So, when cooking, sometimes the recipes may be wrong or sometimes you just have to use your ideas rather than following recipes precisely from the book.
I could go on and on about cooking but this is not a book I m writing but a short article that I attempted to make short but failed. So, I would like to tell everyone that try cooking at home. Sometimes it gets you out of boredom, you learn for future benefits, and you could always make it fun and creative, especially, in the baking field. Use little ingredients of your own , put what you like more in your food, turn your favorite music on when cooking and you will definitely be a good chef. So, go ahead, chop the onions, mix the ingredients, stir the recipes, and make your heart sway with the rhythm of cooking.
There are few rules to follow when cooking and few things you can do to enjoy the session. Now, notice how this is not coming from a perfect professional but from my own experiences.
You could cook anything and any dish whether it is desserts, appetizers, or main courses but, keep in mind to not get impatient with the cooking process. If you follow recipe from internet please, follow the exact process. If the recipe is followed from a book, use you logic. Sometimes the recipe books leave out some ingredients and detailed process of cooking .In that case, you should think of what is missing in an ingredient or what you could add to complete the recipe. Lastly, the recipe that is followed on TV, follow the ingredients and do as told. However, keep in mind that you could always go an extra notch when cooking, you do not have to certainly follow all the steps but, do something different on your own. If you are a first time cooker then it is different I suggest, you luckily pick the perfect recipe and follow as said.
Sometimes people try to get with the easy way out by going with the semi cooking method when making their dish or using ready made cooking. Now, those do not always come out right and in my case, I hate cooking like that because I do not feel fully accomplished. I feel I am not being fair to my task. I know, I know, I am pretty serious about my chef skills. Thus, what happens when you cook semi cooking is that it does not come as tasty as it would if you cooked from scratch. All my recipes are made from scratch whether they are cookies, cake, main courses or appetizers.
Another thing you could do is when cooking do everything on your own with no helping hands. I enjoy cooking when I chop onions and vegetables on my own, when I do every little steps and processes just on my own. Keep in mind that you do not always remember each of the recipe and how it goes so , don't be lazy to write them down. Sometimes, people try to cook exactly as they were told which is a good thing as well as may turn out to be a negative thing. For instance, when cooking desserts, if you are told to bake for 30 minutes and you feel your cake is not baked yet, cook for another five minutes.Another example would be mixing butter in to your flour when making cookies. Sometimes the book tells you to mix one cup of butter in 1 and 1\2 cups flour. Now, when making cookies the amount of butter you put is a real important part Because if you put too less it will come out hard and if you put too much then it will break and just be crumby. So, pour the butter little at a time and just when you feel you have put the perfect amount, start mixing. So, when cooking, sometimes the recipes may be wrong or sometimes you just have to use your ideas rather than following recipes precisely from the book.
I could go on and on about cooking but this is not a book I m writing but a short article that I attempted to make short but failed. So, I would like to tell everyone that try cooking at home. Sometimes it gets you out of boredom, you learn for future benefits, and you could always make it fun and creative, especially, in the baking field. Use little ingredients of your own , put what you like more in your food, turn your favorite music on when cooking and you will definitely be a good chef. So, go ahead, chop the onions, mix the ingredients, stir the recipes, and make your heart sway with the rhythm of cooking.
Saturday, February 05, 2011
A mother's job
Everyone loves their mother the same and they all carry a cute mother-daughter relationship. However, some of us fail to understand and relate from her point of view. Mothers are always so caring and loving. They do anything to come forward to help out with the family by working outside and inside. The woman of the house have responsibilities that are tougher than men. Not that i have experienced motherhood but i have realized one thing is that the job of a mother is not a easy thing. A girl would never realize what a mother goes through until she becomes one. I don't realize everything either but i do realize that what a mother does for her family is so unbelievably amazing.
Now, you must be wondering why am I blabbering on about this since we all love our mother and know what she does for the family. However, its not as easy to understand as said. I am talking from experience since i was kept in her shoes for a week and handled the household but kept failing. Its a tough job and I must say at the end of the day, I was like a crazy lunatic not aware of my surroundings just wanting a place to lay my head on and sleep.
It was 22nd November at 6 am in the morning when my mom got sick and had a minor stroke and everyone hurried her to the emergency hospital. I was so worried, I kept praying for her and that's all I could do at that time. She was in the hospital for a night. Next morning, came back with yucky medicines and some tests done. The doctor said she has cholesterol, kidney infection, and thyroid , along with symptoms of stroke. Now, how old can she be? She is 46 or 47 and she has all these health problems she has to deal with. I feel guilty for not ever taking half of her responsibilities on my shoulder. I was guilty that I did not care enough to feed her healthy food and take care of her in a daily basis. May be if I cared enough to look after her, She would be healthy today and stress free. All these may be, would be, should be was driving me insane. Then i decided to just concentrate on my mother and take care of her with every little effort I could put to make her better and happy.
The day i woke up while she was at the hospital,I had to cook for her and others while my little cousins were driving me insane. They are not like other normal kids, these kids would chew your brains and swallow it. I had to give them food along with prepare everything. When she came home, I had to make sure she is eating right, drinking lots of water, her menu is being followed as given. I had to take care of everyday laundry, cleaning the house, including taking care of my dad, brother and grandmother at home. This was all too much for me to handle that I wanted to run away somewhere far. These tasks of mine were only for few days but, can you imagine a person going through that tough job for years and years? On top we the children put so much stress on her, and do not always value what she does for us. We fail to realize the real weak mother behind the strong one who pretends everything is fine by keeping a smile on her face.
A mom will work hard day and night, listen to family members tantrums, fight,deal with everyday family issues. Yet, she will smile and pretend to be okay just for the family's sake. We often fail to see that and move on with our lives and get busy. Thus, I must advice that you give enough importance to your mother and value her work. Because she does not and will not always say what she wants, sometimes you just got to give it to her. She is not a working machine, she is the reason, you are who u are and how the family stay so intact.
So,Here's the end of this blog with the thoughts of today:
Next time you hesitate to help your mother or back away from taking some of her responsibilities, think twice! Lessen her burden, comfort her and do not always think she is fine like i did. Don't let your mother fall sick and be there for her just like she is there for you at all times.
Now, you must be wondering why am I blabbering on about this since we all love our mother and know what she does for the family. However, its not as easy to understand as said. I am talking from experience since i was kept in her shoes for a week and handled the household but kept failing. Its a tough job and I must say at the end of the day, I was like a crazy lunatic not aware of my surroundings just wanting a place to lay my head on and sleep.
It was 22nd November at 6 am in the morning when my mom got sick and had a minor stroke and everyone hurried her to the emergency hospital. I was so worried, I kept praying for her and that's all I could do at that time. She was in the hospital for a night. Next morning, came back with yucky medicines and some tests done. The doctor said she has cholesterol, kidney infection, and thyroid , along with symptoms of stroke. Now, how old can she be? She is 46 or 47 and she has all these health problems she has to deal with. I feel guilty for not ever taking half of her responsibilities on my shoulder. I was guilty that I did not care enough to feed her healthy food and take care of her in a daily basis. May be if I cared enough to look after her, She would be healthy today and stress free. All these may be, would be, should be was driving me insane. Then i decided to just concentrate on my mother and take care of her with every little effort I could put to make her better and happy.
The day i woke up while she was at the hospital,I had to cook for her and others while my little cousins were driving me insane. They are not like other normal kids, these kids would chew your brains and swallow it. I had to give them food along with prepare everything. When she came home, I had to make sure she is eating right, drinking lots of water, her menu is being followed as given. I had to take care of everyday laundry, cleaning the house, including taking care of my dad, brother and grandmother at home. This was all too much for me to handle that I wanted to run away somewhere far. These tasks of mine were only for few days but, can you imagine a person going through that tough job for years and years? On top we the children put so much stress on her, and do not always value what she does for us. We fail to realize the real weak mother behind the strong one who pretends everything is fine by keeping a smile on her face.
A mom will work hard day and night, listen to family members tantrums, fight,deal with everyday family issues. Yet, she will smile and pretend to be okay just for the family's sake. We often fail to see that and move on with our lives and get busy. Thus, I must advice that you give enough importance to your mother and value her work. Because she does not and will not always say what she wants, sometimes you just got to give it to her. She is not a working machine, she is the reason, you are who u are and how the family stay so intact.
So,Here's the end of this blog with the thoughts of today:
Next time you hesitate to help your mother or back away from taking some of her responsibilities, think twice! Lessen her burden, comfort her and do not always think she is fine like i did. Don't let your mother fall sick and be there for her just like she is there for you at all times.
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