Sunday, November 27, 2011

Just a phase in life...

ioasdiashiashdaihdaiosdfiasujoasjoasjasojaojdasiodj When i am upset i either write a poem or write on my diary or listen to music that goes with my current situation.The best options i use so far is pray or read surahs. I have done that. However, this blog is a second best option because i rather keep it short and sweet and hope to come back here at a time where this will just be a faded story. Every story has a sad truth and everyone finds a way to console themselves in life or live on to move on. Life goes on... i guess you just always got to close one chapter in life to begin a new one with the purpose of keeping yourself happy and sane. ughhh ..... i am going through this weird phase in life where i am blaming myself for every little mistakes i have done in my life and every little steps i took in my life which was just wrong. But then i think to myself everything happens for a reason and i am where i am because of those decisions i made. The other side says may be if i took a different route in life, things would have been different and lot better. Just why , why it gotta be so complicated? Its all about choices, i am where i stand is because of the choices i made in my life. Its all up to you how you want to make your life and build your little world. Only difference is some are very wise and some are very naive. I don't know which category i fall under but i am definitely the type who seeks for momentary happiness and not think of the future ahead. May be if i thought of future , life would be different for me. But i still stay positive since i am very good at consoling myself. I always be greatful to Allah for giving me everything that i need to live a happy life and for always keeping me safe and sound. Its not about me being ungreatful or blaming anyone around me. Its just about me and my innerself, i just wish i was wise. I wish i took a different route in life and made different choices about certain situations. I guess it was my age or its my age which is the cause of many faulty acts. I guess its called growing up and experience. I might be confusing you but i am confused myself. Sometimes it is as if i dont know myself, i dont know anything and i just let time take me. I guess it is very important that a person knows himself well. Its important to get to know yourself , understand yourself and then take any steps in life. It is important to be wise in every step of the way in life. Because every bit matters and every choices will build your life. Its important to be strong and not let your heart or mind to fall weak in any kind of circumstances. Somewhere down the road i have failed to do so , so i am in a regretful stage. But then you just got to live with the hope that you still got a chance to turn the table , turn your story around and make things better. You get many chances in life the difference is you got to be careful enough to not miss it. Life is full of mistakes, misery, regrets.. thats why i will be striving hard to build a home in paradise to free me from any negativities. This world is like that thats why its important to keep yourself sane and good for the better hereafter. Thank Allah every moment and inshaAllah Allah guides us all in to doing the right thing in life and make the right choices. I will end this blog with this duwa for myself and every Muslim brothers and Sisters. (O Allah!) Please do not leave me to my own self Because if You abandon me to my own desires I might be drawn towards evil and away from goodness and I have no support except Your Mercy. Please guide me and help me be true to myself and my devotion to your beautiful religion. help me save myself from the clutch of shaitaan and forgive me of my sins and if i repeat em again forgive me again and guide me Ya Ar Rahmanur Rahim.

1 comment:

  1. Don't ever regret your own decisions, whether it was right or wrong. You must embrace both, that is the only way you will learn to accept them. It takes a great mental strength to move on from failed/bad decisions. And it is only Allah who gives us this courage. Asking forgiveness to Allah is the only thing that can console a confused mind and heart.
