Thursday, February 28, 2013

Remember Allah in times of ease

“Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured.” (Qur’an, 13:28)

When we try to figure out why we are so often bothered, why we feel disturbed internally, or why we feel sad – we need to go back to our hearts. The Prophet (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Do not talk too much without remembering and mentioning Allah, for too much talk without mentioning Allah hardens the heart, and the person farthest from Allah is the one with a hard heart.” (Tirmidhi)

SubhanAllah (glory to Allah) – our heart hardens when we do not remember Allah. The heart’s nourishment is the remembrance of Allah, and when we fail to remember Him, it is no wonder that we feel down for no apparent reason.
I missed writing on my blog and its been four months I couldn't write anything. I am done with school and just doing my thesis. So, i am literally free all the time and busy hanging out and chilling. Life cant be any better. Really thankful to Allah for all the times i have been lucky in every step of the way. With this thought i may start my blogpost.

I have been really busy with my brother's Engagement preparation, working out schedule, music,dance, shopping and whatnot! But i have realized something is greatly missing. I came to the realization that no matter how busy one is , He/she must remember Allah at all times. Missing prayer with an excuse thrown such as , " schedule is packed with stuff not relating to worshipping Allah" will not do in the long run. The long run which awaits us all after our death. I have been guilty of missing some of my namaaz time. As soon as i realized i got on to my knees to pray. I remembered all the hard times i had to face and started to pray to Allah and read many Surahs to get through the hard times. But , now that i was really busy having fun, how can i forget to worship our Almighty? Throughout my hard times i have always prayed and got positive results and to forget prayers in times of ease is nothing but an act of selfish.

As soon as that realization hit my mind , i started to get bak to my old routine. The routine which holds praying and reading surahs everyday. For example, Surah Muzammil is said to ease someone's pain and gets someone through their difficulties in times of any hardship. However, i make sure i read that Surah everyday in times of ease with the hope that no hardship will befall upon me and that Surah will protect me at all times.
Therefore, i did'nt miss prayers or reading surah since then. There were guests at my house and i was distracted but i thought i wud read atleast 99 Names of Allah. It gave me a feeling of peace in my heart thinking I am calling out to Allah by His 99 names and nothing will harm me or my family.

Likewise, I feel its the duty of every Muslim to remember Allah at all times becasue if we forget Allah's power surely we will be doomed. It will harden our heart and leave us stranded with nowhere to go. The more we talk about our religion and discuss about the right and wrong the more humble we will become. This blogpost is just another reminder to myself to always keep Allah in my heart and mind and to not forget Allah in times of ease.
Keep a humble heart, be happy with other's happiness, pray for your Muslim brothers and sisters and watch how life will seem more beautiful and things will be in your favor. InshaALLAH. Keep me in your prayers Allah hafiz.

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